QOTD - Who's Using PLR & For What?

Last Update: May 28, 2012
Today I received an email asking me if I was tired of writing articles. The email was informing me of a sale where I can purchase PLR articles for 1 dollar. I'm not going to lie.. I would love to pay $1 per article and cut down on my article writing!

Here at WA we are constantly reminded that unique, quality content is SO important.

Is anyone here is using PLR, and if so, what are you using it for?


"Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them."
John Updike
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Deezdz Premium
Can you not use plr articles or reports/ebooks to create a mailing list? I haven't started list building yet, but is it useful to purchase PLR products for this purpose?
kyle Premium Plus
You could, but there is an abundance of "free information" out there and if you are trying to build a list, that is also your brand. If your content is not coming from you and coming from a "generic" source, then it will be really hard to create relationships.

I really cannot find a purpose for PLR content if someone has any ideas that make sense, then I would love to hear about them.
kyle Premium Plus
I agree, PLR content will do more harm than good. I see absolutely no benefit to PLR content and every time I hear the term PLR it takes me back 5-6 years when it actually did carry some value for content farms and content spammers.
IveTriedThat Premium
$1 article is going to read like exactly that. It'll hurt you more than it will help you.