Eat Yourself Healthy

Last Update: August 12, 2012
In the United States and most of the Western World we have our eating habits turned upside down. We think that we need to stop eating to be more healthy when the truth is that most of us are undernourished by our diet now. The problem is that most of what we eat is full of calories and void of other essential nutrients.
Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, but it is preventable, if we only would think about food differently and use some common sense.
Yes mother was right when she told us to eat our vegetables. About 10 years ago I had about ate myself to death. I was overweight, my cholesterol, and blood pressure were out of control. My doctor told me that the solution was simple. Eat my fruit and vegetables and get some exercise, or in other words go for a walk.
In six months I had lost 30 lbs and my cholesterol was back under the acceptable limits.So was my blood pressure. No medicine, and no expensive doctor's bills. But a lot of will power. To keep it off, takes a lot of diligence, It needs to be a lifestyle,not a diet.
See, a pound of steak has about 800 calories and almost nothing in the way of fiber, vitamins and minerals. A pound of romaine lettuce has a little over a 100 calories and is loaded with fiber, vitamins and mineral. So you not only lose weight but get what you need to fight disease and stay healthy.
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gud Premium
Thanks for the comment. I am actually talking about more of a lifestyle change than a diet. Every one is different and you need to educate yourself on what is best for you. Today we have access to new technology and foods from around the world. You can get vitamins and minerals from foods raised in many different regions of the world. It is generally accepted that a diet of high fat, high cholesterol, animal based foods will shorten your life and decrease the quality of your health. While a mostly vegetarian diet, perhaps using meats to flavor some dishes in place of being the main dish, can greatly increase the quality of health and prolong life. Also any change in diet needs to be applied with exercise, to keep your strength up and keep your metabolism working well. The proof of these things can be found in poorer areas of the world where the population has almost no meat in the diet, just because they don't have access to it. Cancer is almost nonexistent in these places. Heart blockages are almost unheard of. I could go on but I think you get the idea.
ronit-drora Premium
I have started with healthy diet at the age 18 now at 63 after using diffrent schools of nutrtion some for many years some for less.I can agree with you only in part .From were I am looking today I see that there is no one good diet for every body all the time.But there is diet that is good for certain indevidual for certain time and others needs some thing diffrent.Good diet may become dissuster if prolong for no need . Once I met an old lady(86)she was still independed but very weak she was awaer of natural health food and also published some booklets on those subject she had this angeilc look very clean like in the the old pictures.Has I mentioned she was very weak she said she no longer can do her shopping.she was skin and bones her refrigirader was almost empty money was not the issue.In short after leading question she said that she affraid to gain weight.WHY? she said that she was heavy and the doctor told her that she must reduce . When was it I asked? all shaken. 6 years ago she said.
for the finale .Once i eared a doctor said:" I use to say that the only thing that is not harmfull is lettuce, till one day we got to the emergency room a case of intestinal- blockage.
Buy Gud thankes for follwing and for inspiering me to write. Ronit-Drora
gud Premium
Thank you, doing this part time seems to be a slow process, but its picking up now.
BIS Premium
Hi Welcome to WA. Congratulations on your weight loss, that's very impressive.. Best of luck with your IM endeavours.