I have a warrant for your arrest

Last Update: August 15, 2012
Did the title get your attention? It certainly got mine. I want to tell you about a scam that is going viral around the country and you may be the next target. I received a phone call on my cell phone, the man said, "I'm with the FBI in New York City and I have just been handed a warrant for your arrest.
While your head is still swimming with that news they ask you to verify your address and social security number. If you give it to them you are done, they have your identity and they can invade your life in all kinds of ways.
Fortunately for me I had my wits about me for a change and started asking them questions. I also have friends that work for the FBI so if they wanted me they would be able to find me. Third why are they calling me from New York when I live in Virginia? They have answers including a fake name and fake badge numbers. the best thing to do is hang up and call your local FBI office and tell them you are the victim of an FBI impersonator. But they told me this is becoming very common because it is so successful for the bad guys.
They do not give up easy they called me five times trying to get information from me. I did talk to some real FBI agents who confirmed that if they had a warrant for my arrest they would already have my address and probably my Social Security number as well and they would show up in person they would not call me and tell me about it.
So why am I telling you all of this? Because as internet marketers we are putting an enormous amount of information out on the internet. Web sites, blogs, social media, articles and these con artists can gather this information and get just enough about you to call you up and try to make you think they are the real deal and get the rest of what they need to steal your identity. So be careful, and be mindful how much personal information you put out there. Sometimes we need to put enough information on a web site so people feel comfortable that you are not the con man. But don't put enough out there that you may regret it. Your dream may quickly turn into a nightmare. Take care.
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jchilders Premium
I had this happen to me a few years ago. A guy said he was investigating some Ebay fraud that showed it was my email address/name. I've never sold ANYTHING on Ebay so I knew for a fact it wasn't me. He called back a couple times over the next few days, even got a letter on what appeared to be official letterhead of the police department. The only information I confirmed on the phone was my name and phone number.

I finally got fed up with the calls and I told him if he needed any further info, to contact the local police and have a uniformed officer show up at my door with a warrant and I would be happy to further assist.

Never heard from him again.
Trek-shooter Premium
Just goes to show the lengths people will go to nowadays to scam thanks for the share

ronit-drora Premium
thank you for anouncing
burntout Premium
If someone has a warrant for your arrest: I assure you. They will deliver it in person. You are so correct in advising how much information is to much. Life has it's share of night mares without inviting more.