Goodbye Yahoo Site Explorer!

Last Update: December 02, 2011

So Long Yahoo! Site Explorer, We Had Some Good Times...

Yahoo! Site Explorer Closes

It's true. The once beloved and highly popular Yahoo! Site Explorer by many SEO's has closed down. If you don't believe it you can see for yourself by clicking here.

Since it's inception back in 2005 this great tool has been used by countless SEO's as a means not only to check their link profiles, but also as one to analyse their competitions.

Unfortunately, just like many of Yahoo's products lately it is also sun setting and they're now recommending to use Bing's Webmaster Tools

Here is the snippet of the official notice from Yahoo!: 

In an August 2010 blog post, we said we would continue Site Explorer with a focus on new features for webmaster community, even after the transition to Microsoft platforms is complete. We listened to your feedback, and along with the team from Bing Webmaster Center looked jointly at the roadmap for the webmaster tools.

Having two webmaster portals for a single source for organic results does not add enough value. Once organic results are transitioned to Bing in all the markets, we plan to shut down Yahoo! Site Explorer and Microsoft’s Webmaster Tools will be the source for Bing and Yahoo! webmaster site and analytics data.

I myself have not used Yahoo! Site Explorer in a while, though I still thought it was a great free resource to have in one's arsenal. It definitely will be sad to see it go...

So with this latest turn, I would like to ask you...

What Tool will You be Using?

Feel free to leave your comments below, would love to here what you think about the above.

Ride the wave :)


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