It's Official. I'm No Spammer.

Last Update: November 01, 2011

I don't know about you, but I sometimes think about the fine line between SEO vs. SPAM, and how Google actually treats these two? Do they see them as one?

Have all the black hat techniques that are out there jeopardised those of us who really want to make a difference by helping our website visitors and provide the best user experience possible...

We're taught to produce quality content, but then again, how do you REALLY define what is true quality content in our eyes vs. the way others perceive our content to be?

Yes, I know, it needs to be engaging, it needs to be compelling, it should provide your visitors with WISDOM (thanks Travis), but despite all these great definitions I still at times find myself thinking...

How is by content being viewed? How does Google see my content? Is SEO spam?

I found this video on which provided a very useful explanation by the Google Spam Guru himself, Matt Cutts. Check it out below and let me know what you think of it.

So tell me..., do you see SEO as spam?

Thanks for reading and as always feel free to leave your comments below.

Ride the wave :)


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jatdebeaune Premium
That was very good Leo. Thank you. Without SEO, you're shooting in the dark. I want to become more proficient at it in a productive creative way. I don't love most of the sales copy I read, though some of it must be working for people. Just sounds cheesy to me. I'l check out searchengineland for good tips. Thanks for the resource.
Incognito Premium
Any time Joan. Thanks for your comment. I'm with you with the sales copy, I'm sure it works, that's why we see it used time and time again and yes SEO is a big part of what we do, though I do think at times *I* at least focus a bit too much on it and in turn, stops me from taking action...I guess it all needs to have a balance.