Anyone Know How He Did it?

Last Update: December 13, 2011

I've been trying to figure this out, and haven't a clue. Maybe one of you knows, or can figure it out. Not exactly IM, but it's mind boggling anyway. Puzzlement is good for the brain, especially if you stretch and  find the answers. At any rate , it's good fun.

Beach Blanket Trick

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jatdebeaune Premium
I get the lookalike part, but how can you keep people under the sand? In a box maybe?
magistudio Premium Plus
OK, I figured it out..

The people were clearly underneath the sand as you were able to see a small lump in the sand. The second person was a Chris Angel lookalike and they swapped spots when he brought the blanket over his head. Watch again and see how he keeps his head down when he runs to the water.
reader Premium
I don't know how he did that, but it was fun watching. Pretty cool. Thanks for posting.