The Iresistable Allure of the Sirens of Cyberspace

Last Update: July 22, 2012

What is it about the Internet that causes people to sit at a machine all day long, clicking away, going from one site to another, and completely losing track of time?

How do we get so carried away and lost in space?

Do you think it's an illness? Frankly, I've seen less commitment from people at the casino, and those people very often look hypnotised, or drugged.

Addiction aside, I think the Internet far exceeds the appeal of television. It hits many more of our buttons, to say the least. Just think. There are no secrets anymore. It's in the open. Transparent. I like that.

When I want to escape, I'll flip the boob tube on to watch an old movie or the food channel. Half the time, I fall asleep in the first five minutes. I never fall asleep in front of my PC or laptop. Oh yes, I did once, but only because I had been awake 24 hours straight.

When you think about how addicted people are to the Internet, you realize how powerful this tool is, she says while biting upper lip. I don't like being addicted to anything, and will exert great effort and willpower to extricate myself when aware.

I think an addiction to TV or the Internet is dangerous when it represents an escape from reality and real life, when you become detached from reality. You can't really take a virtual walk, or get virtual fresh air, or take a virtual swim. Not the real thing anyway. And emailing can't replace sitting with your friend, looking at his face and conversing . You have to be careful not to lose your sense of reality.

Let's get back to the Internet.

What an invention! GREAT! Love it! Not because you and I are using it to build our livelihoods, though that too. But you can learn everything you want to know fast, and easy. You can research everything like crazy. Dig deep and deeper. The information is available to you. Just type in something and voila! Served up on a neat silver platter.

Wonder if kids in school realize how fortunate they are. When I was a kid, we had to go to the library to write a paper. We were limited to the books that were available in the library. We didn't have access to huge amounts of material written on a topic, or commentaries, in quite the same way that the Internet affords today. I remember writing papers, using the encylopedia as a primary resource. Then I typed the papers on a primitive word processor, or my big sister's old beat up typewriter. Remember those?

The Internet meets all sorts of needs.

It entertains: You can watch movies, play games, read books, email friends, chat in blogs and forums, read the news, join social networks (like Pinterest).

It educates: You can research any topic, get medical information, research politics, literature, science, business, art, read editorials, learn IM, etc. I've discovered that Pinterest is an excellent place to do research and get inspired too.

Shopping: You can research and purchase just about everything online. And you can buy securely using your credit card or PayPal.

Advertising and promotion: You can promote your business, self publish a book, write a blog, write and publish articles, promote a website.

Banking: Don't have to go to the bank anymore, unless you want to, or if you have to negotiate something.

Create and grow your own business with little monetary investment. It's misleading to say you don't have to invest anything, but the cost is miniscule.

Actually, even if I never made a dime online, I see the Internet as one of our BIG blessings. How do you feel about it?
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evknight Premium
oh...for the record I haven't make a dime either, two other sites you might find interesting is Fubar and Behance, Fubar is just a blast when you need a distraction, and Behance is a professional platform to showcase, and even sell your work. Also get linked with Pinterest, a lot of fun and another way to network--cheers--evie
jatdebeaune Premium
Actually, I have made some money, but not gobs. Being really good at the art of online marketing is one of my goals. But I'm greedy. The money isn't enough. Want to reach it by doing something wonderful. Figure it takes time, a lot of thought and work. Thank you Evie for two more possible addictions. I'm already hooked on Pinterest.
Love it. Appreciate Fubar and Behance. Oh no, here we go again.
evknight Premium
Yes, I have to agree with you on all points...
BIS Premium
Hi Jean

There's no doubt that the internet is one of the greatest inventions ever which has had an impact worldwide and the fact that I am able to use it daily to run parts of my life, I count as an absolute blessing. Having said that I do actually think it's important to close it down and remember there is a whole world out there. I actually still enjoy researching in libraries - it is quite a different experience.

However along with the many good things, there is also the darkside of the internet - The rise of ciyer bullying, the increase in shared pornography, the spread of online fanatacism and terroism, fraudsters and hackers and the huge amount of dangerous and misinformation that exists...

Unfortunately the good has to co-exist alongside the bad because in many quarters there is not a great willingness to do a lot about the less savoury aspects that exist.and will continue to grow.

I wouldn't want to live without it - but I could as many people still do.

Interesting blog

Best wishes

jatdebeaune Premium
Very wise Beverley. The good and the unsavory are both growing. I know the dark side of the Internet is something to avoid if you can, but sometimes one can't escape it, such as misinformation, fraud and scamming. Porn is a whole other issue.

I don't have any answers on how to prevent deceit, except to be ethical yourself in all ways. Is that enough? Don't know. The sleazy people muddy the water.

When you think about it, we have the same issues offline. You can research a subject with no guarantee that what you are reading is true. You have to dig deep and trust your instincts, then research some more. As for porn, those who are after it, find it online or offline. In both places, parents have to protect their kids.

Speaking personally, the Internet is getting in the way of my work as an artist. It's taking up too much of my time. Have felt the time has been necessary in order to get a grip on IM. Now, I feel prepared to simplify my efforts online and get back to the drawing board.

Don't you sometimes wish you can manufacture time?

Thanks for your comments Beverley. You are always insightful.

Shawn Martin Premium
Nice post. thanks for sharing this.
jatdebeaune Premium
You're welcome Shawn.
Viterbi Premium
Very nice post Joan, thank you!

I agree with you on the qualities of the internet but I think that (as you said) there is a danger that lurks around the corner: Distinguishing the virtual and the real!

I know we all like being online and building our online businesses, but we need to keep a balance between the real life and the online one. This is also a good way of being successful in both.

Thanks! :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Balance is key in everything. I know people who go online and do nothing else. They're not in business. They just live online because they are bored with life. Not good
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