Are You Bored?

Last Update: October 28, 2011

Well no, I know you're not bored on general principle or with life or anything, but are you as bored as I am with sales copy?

It's all the same. Why? Does it have to be? Reads like blah, blah, blah to me. I feel like the cartoon of the dog listening to his master speak. You know, the one with the bubble above the dog's head with the words blah, blah, blah in it.

That copy is wasted on me. Whenever I receive an offer, I either delete it right away, or, if it sounds at all interesting, I scan down to the bottom to get the information I need plus the price. Then I'm out of there. Just don't have the patience for that hype and pitch anymore.

On the other hand, if the copywriter is a good storyteller, and imaginative in his/her presentation style, then the entertainment factor would keep me on the page. This is show biz! Feigned sincerity doesn't work either.

I never buy anything without researching it first, anyway. Usually test it at Warrior Forum. I don't trust most of the reviews because they are just selling the product too.

If the sales copy grabs me with a fresh unique approach that is also convincing, the vendor has a good chance of capturing me as a customer, or at least, a subscriber.

Something to think about.


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ThomasPaul Premium
My pet peeve in sales copy is the false time constraint. I absolutely hate it when people do that. People might fall for it once or twice, but not more than that.

I have much more respect for people who say something to the effect of: "Buy it now since it's such a great offer and because we both know you'll forget to do it later."
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree. I think it works against them actually. Whenever you pick up a manipulation technique, you tend not to trust the offer, even if the product is good. "Straight forward" is the best approach.