Catch 22
I'm taking advantage of the option to write articles outside of my niche.
When important things happen in your life, and you feel that by sharing them, you can help someone else, then you write about it.
I just submitted a long article to SA, long enough that I was allowed 4 links. I used only 3.
Didn't know what to link to, so I linked to one of my sites that relates to my article in a broad way. I couldn't link to an exact page because those pages are not formatted for SA. Those pages would have been near perfect links topic-wise. Hence, SA rejected my article because the links were not relative to my article.
It was frustrating. So I removed the links entirely, double spaced paragraphs, because that was another problem. So we'll see what happens.
So when you write outside your niche, no links???
If you article allowed 4 links - I guess you must have been over 1000 words? That's long. Although I tend to write longer articles - I also notice that there are a lot of people who write close to 400 on a regular basis. I'm not suggesting you should do that, but I admit - I do know look at articles and see if they could be split in two. I love writing but I am aware that I need to combine that love with pragmatism.