Dog lovers, You have to see this!

Last Update: December 02, 2011

Is this good enough for XFactor?

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Ripley Premium
Cute, I turned up the volume and my dogs started howling!
jatdebeaune Premium
Haha, He's really into singing. Viki, check out the cat videos too. It's the blog after this one. That cat is actually talented.
smokeywins Premium
Worked fine for me... Too funny, would have to say dog is a little tone def though LOL
jatdebeaune Premium
Well, I guess he doesn't have perfect pitch, but he's a good performer.
jatdebeaune Premium
Okay guys, now you can watch it. Just click off the ad so you can get the full picture.
dataplextech Premium
Is that link trying to access your AOL email? :(
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Bruce. I'll try to do it another way.
dataplextech Premium
The link isn't going to work for people without AOL. :(