"Don't Eat the Marshmallow"

Last Update: March 22, 2012

...or, How To Torture the Kids...

This is what you can do to your kids at Easter, haha, only kidding.

Motivational coach, Joachim de Posada thinks a sign of impending success in a child, is an ability to delay gratification, in other words, cultivate discipline.

What does that mean to us? No Maserati until you earn your first million.

Check it out: Don't eat that marshmallow!




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Labman_1 Premium
I've seen that study somewhere before. It is interesting to note the follow up indicated that those that were able to delay gratification were successful. I wonder how long that lasted into their lives. Another question that was not asked, are they happy.
jatdebeaune Premium
Doing that to a four year old seems unfair. I would have eaten the marshmallow. Another marshmallow didn't seem to be enough of a reward. A chocolate bunny would have done it.
Deezdz Premium
That was too cute...gave me a little chuckle while drinking my morning tea and the "lesson" is great. ~ Dee
jatdebeaune Premium
Was funny. I think most kids would have eaten the marshmallow and grow up to be President.