Have You Noticed That Race Horses Wear Blinders?
Yes, even Secretariat!
Binders are little props that keep you focused, undistracted by the other horses and the roaring crowds and they keep you on purpose.
You don't have to be a race horse to need blinders. Where do you think the race horses got the idea? From us humans! We're very clever sometimes. We humans recognize the need for uninterrupted focus while pursuing an objective, but our brains seem to give us amnesia from time to time for myriad reasons. Animals seem to be naturally focused. Ever watch your cat stalking a mouse or a bird? Your cat doesn't check her inbox first. Why? Beside the darn mouse would get away, and she'd miss her chance. So she seizes the opportunity when it presents itself.
I really don't think one's work needs to be seen as a race to the finish. But I do think something can be learned from the animals who are brilliantly "on purpose".
I catch myself often getting carried away by things that are of lesser importance, such as solving some aggravating issue that can be "put off" for a better time. The world will not stop if that aggravating issue isn't solved right now. Sounds like a little problem. It's a BIG problem, because it delays your reaching your goal. If taken to an extreme, it can prevent you from reaching your goal.
Check it. Get rid of it the moment you recognize it is happening. It's very human, but nonproductive.
When you take a break, spend it watching your cat and learning from her.