Here's One for You!

Last Update: April 14, 2012

Have you seen this before? Fun if you like to draw. Even if you don't, you can ask someone to draw something for you and post it on Facebook and Pinterest. Don't know exactly how it works yet myself. I joined the group a while back, but they changed it and made it more sociable. I used the tool to make silly digital drawings and it was fun. I used it for amusement and practice drawing with a mouse. Now, I think it can have other good uses.

Here's what they say:

"So what exactly does this mean? is our new home!
You can submit any request you want drawn!
All drawings done come directly from your requests!
Drawings can now be rated by everyone!
You get credited under every drawing you requested!
You can now interact with Draw Me Something in more intimate ways!
Easily connect to our facebook and twitter pages!

Happy Requesting!"

Check it out!

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Bikash11 Premium
Hmm..this is gonna be useful. Are requests for free?
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, it's free.