Hey, America is 235 years old today!
Not very old when you consider that Rome celebrated its 2764th birthday on April 21st of this year.
Stymied as to what to bring to the birthday girl. What do you bring a kid of 235 who has been indulged, but is feeling somewhat deprived of late? She could stand some well made new clothes since her old clothes have been soiled by playing in the muck and mud with all her miscreant overweight bully buddies. Nah, too practical. No kid likes clothes. Parents like clothes. How about a Fourth of July joke?...such as: "I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me." Nah!
Tinkertoys? No. Board games? There have already been too many of those, and her mother is sending a pile of them to Good Will. Baby Einstein? Too old for that. How 'bout an ant farm? Ants are very smart and it would be good for her to observe them. A puzzle would be good mental exercise since she's going to school next year. A tea set? No political pun intended. Just no puppets please. We've all had enough of those d'@#X&*puppet shows.
She's a sweet good natured kid after all. Just growing up. She's waking up out of that dizzy coma, and she'll be healthier than ever. You know, she comes from sturdy stock, a choice part of everybody in the world. I have a lot of faith in her. She has potential.
Since I'm her cousin (younger) hah, I'll try to also be her friend by pointing out what I think she does right and what I think she does wrong. Fair enough?
Happy Birthday America!