Horrified!!! My Work Is Cut Out For Me, and Maybe You too.

Last Update: June 19, 2010

Google Page Rank is important and I let mine slip. Totally my own fault. Need more back links. Slap across my face, I know better. Ugh! Dumb move, Joan!

The more quality links a web page has, the higher the Page Rank will be, therefore you can increase Page Rank by gaining more quality links. This is why getting those articles out to directories with high rankings is important. Also blogs and forums help. Also helps to add content to your site. Links from related websites helps too.

Now here's a contradiction for you...Big surprise to me: I just learned that Google doesn't look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simply looks at how many back links you have.I never knew that before.

Sometimes. I just don't get the contradictions. When I started out online, I simply put a lot of content on my site. Didn't bother with back links or anything, ended up with a PR of 4. Started link exchanges, etc., and PR went down. ???? Go figure. I think I need to put more articles on my site. Also, get much more in the directories.

Google updates PR every three months.  Hard to predict what they will do, but you can get a decent Google PR prediction at Iwebtool. The first five predictions are free.

Well, predictions aren't going to change anything. We all know what we have to do: provide excellent content, write, write, write, and back link with quality inbound links.

Ashamed of myself. No more Ms nice guy.  To work!!!



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Sherion Premium
Okay, I don't understand at all, but I am going to save this for future use as you know I am a newbie. Added you to my notes for future referrence when I get to where you are at. lol
Moonstone Premium
Im confused, if google doesnt look at them why do they have to be quality links? Agh! I see wha tyou mean about the contradictions.
Jamie Smith Premium
Continue on your journey Joan, please don't be so hard on yourself sister!
magistudio Premium Plus
We learn our lessons from our mistakes, don't feel ashamed but empowered.

If your site is a blog, try pingbacks. A simple method of finding related blog posts and linking to them within your post. If they accept pingbacks, they'll link back to you.

Another methods for backlinks is simply comment on blogs. Do a Google search for 'Your Keyword+Leave a Reply' and you will find listings that are related to your niche AND allow comments.
DABK Premium
Well, Mrs. Nice Guy
You're not the only one. One week of no articles for one site and it shows. And I meant to do them. Honest, I did.