Is There a Rebel Lurking Inside of You?

Last Update: May 22, 2010

If you answered "YES", I say congratulations!  In this world, you will need as much of that as you can muster up. Hold on to your individuality. No, I'm not saying break the law, or hurt anybody. Far from it. This has nothing to do with basic social decorum where you have to pay your bills and take a shower and not pick fights in the bar, and try to be considerate of other people. Oh sure, if something makes sense, I'll go along with it. But I won't accept everything that's presented to me.

Do you feel that little tug to pull away every time you are urged to conform to anything? You just want to do the opposite, right? Be honest. I consider that to be a sign of life. A sign of hope for our ultimate survival as a race. Why, because you're not a sheep. You're questioning.

Have you noticed...we are living in a world where mediocrity is rewarded? Have never understood it really. Bothers me a whole lot. When I was designing products for an assortment of manufacturers, I was encouraged to be a year ahead of others, but not too far ahead, because it would be commercially not viable. Well, I actually understand that. Companies are in business to make sales. When you are too far ahead, the second string followers scoop up your ideas, and present them to the marketplace in the time frame that they are acceptable. Those are the guys who make most of the money. The "originators" make money too, but usually less. Look at the handbag business and all the knock-offs. How many $14,000 handbags do you think are being sold?

Patience guys, I'm going somewhere with this. When you market anything, you have to first market yourself. Decide who you want to be first. Do you want to lead the pack? Or would you be happy hooking on to a leader and bask in the fall out? The leader takes the big risk. The originator test markets. The person who follows often makes more profit. Either way, it's your call. And you won't go hungry either way.

If the rebel is strong in you, then like me, you won't be content to be a follower, even if the monetary reward is greater by being the second string. Also, if you feel an urge to do something that is a new idea, then you won't be content not giving expression to it. Dyed in the wool businessmen/women will prefer the more profitable root. Their art form is business. I respect that too. There will be a cross section that feels as I do. If it's in you, it needs expression. So, put it out there.

Ok, I know, I know. There's nothing new under the sun. But there's no combination of molecules quite like "you" either, so I say go for it.

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Jamie Smith Premium
cheers for another great blog sister!
jatdebeaune Premium
Jay, By virtue of what you have done in the past, and what you are doing now, you are far from any beaten path. This IM thing is so new. You didn't choose a safe path, you've pioneered and you've prospered. You've BUST OUT of the gate! (Thanks Matt, Makes me feel good just to say it). Jay, Thanks for taking so many of us by the hand and leading us out of confusion so we can also bust out in the business of IM. Matt, I like "Rebel Yell". Yes, there is a yearning inside of all of us that is looking for expression, a BUST OUT. I think we bust out by degrees. If you bust out enough, which takes courage, you end up leading something, if only just to inspire others, or give us a sample of yourself on the road to really busting out. David Bowie sure busted out enough to express his own brand of artist. There's probably plenty more where that came from, hence "Rebel Yell". I haven't finished the bust out myself, but I am SO looking forward to it. Thanks for your comments.
DABK Premium
I've always been telling my molecules there's something special about you and 500 years from now we, my molecules and me, are going to be appreciated!
Old Mizer Premium
That was an interesting point of view Joan. The first word that stood out was Rebel. The next thought that followed was an old song by David Bowie, ..."Rebel Yell." I think that was David. I'm convinced that every individual has a rebel yell somewhere inside of them. That is yearning with a desire to BUST OUT of the gates. The question is, ...what is it going to take for you to finally let it out and voice that rebel yell? I don't think it matters whether you are a leader or a follower. That voice inside you is dying to jump out and be heard. Letting the world know, "I am who I am. This is my mission in life so all of you better be on the look out. Because when we cross paths I'll be coming at FULL throttle." Most people don't feel the confidence until they have it the very bottom. The question is, have you finally hit rock bottom? So much, that the rebel yell in you will finally come screaming out for all the world to hear.
magistudio Premium Plus
When I walk in sand, I don't see footprints - I have always beat to my own drum.
Perhaps it's the result of several years in gymnastics and the discipline it taught me.

Great post Joan...