It's Not Fear of Success. It's Not Fear of Failure. It's Not Laziness. Necessarily...

Last Update: May 05, 2012


So what is it? Is it resistance to anything new? A new concept, a change in routine? Getting out of your comfort zone?  Is it overwhelm?

Been trying to figure out just what it is really that prevents people from taking action. What's the Achilles heel that impedes progress and paralyzes us?

We have all succumbed to procrastination at one time or another, and sometimes we deal with it on a consistent basis. It doesn't feel good when it happens. It feels perfectly awful, especially when you add guilt to the mix.

Is it always a debilitating BAD habit? What good purpose can it serve? Does procrastination have a productive side, a creative side? Is it protective? Seems like a contradiction in terms, but not really when you think about it.

Why would anyone delay their own good? Masochism maybe? Are you hexing yourself?

Yes, all those things are reasonable explanations, and they are all true. It's just not the whole story. That's too easy.

If it can be accepted that not all procrastination is to avoid pain, maybe we can entertain a creative, unconscious reason for some forms of procrastination. What is it telling us about ourselves?

Why would you not start something immediately if you have time and the conditions are right? Who wouldn't accept being an overnight success when given the option?

Could it be that you don't have all you need? What could you possibly need that you don't have?

Are you emotionally committed?... Not like a robot, steps one, two, and three.  I mean are you really sold on what you are doing, approaching your project with real passion and joy? It's not supposed to be work, even though it requires your input. It's you, from you and of you. If it isn't that, then it's boring and why would you want to do it?

I'm not wanting to throw water on the fire of yours or my own zeal. Just pointing out that the spark of an idea becomes a bright, glowing, crackling, blazing bonfire only through emotional commitment and passion. So I'm suggesting an attitude adjustment or to change the essential idea to one that inspires you more.

Also, procrastination might happen because you haven't finished thinking your plan through. Outlines happen in your brain first. You see it in your mind's eye, how the pieces fit together. Then you take physical action and the plan always changes because it has to,  ideas are dynamic. Static is dead. Don't fear the change. It's natural.

Whenever one is learning something completely new, frustration is part of it. I watched my sister this morning with Pinterest. She had some problems pinning and was  very frustrated. I identify with her regarding the frustration of hitting blocks.

I think one of the big reasons people don't start is because they fear the inevitable frustration of getting stuck on something and not knowing what to do.

The good news is we all have the option of asking Kyle and Carson and  fellow members here at WA if we get stymied and hit roadblocks along the way.

What the heck, get it going. Let the good times roll.

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teacup Premium
This is an excellent thread. There are many things that can immobilize a person and stop them from achieving their dreams. Sometimes you just have to stop and do a little self analysis.

For some it will be a fear of failing, for some a fear of success. For others it will be a fear of appearing "stupid" in front of some knowledgeable people. No matter what it is it is still fear.

This is where sites like WA can really excel. There are newbies here who know absolutely nothing and must begin at the beginning. There are old timers who have "been there, done that". And then there are those who have had some success but are still not where they want to be. We all can learn from one another

Achievements start with dreams. Dreams help you to form goals. Goals help you to form a plan. Plans help you to take action. If you are afraid of taking action then step back and look at your goals. Have you set them yet? What is your dream?

Everyone starts somewhere and everyone does things that could make them look "stupid" to someone else more experienced. Guess what? That person did the same thing. It is a learning process. Don't stop reaching for your dreams because of some fear.
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree teacup. Sometimes we just lack confidence in ourselves. There's nothing to lose by trying. Trying with belief and
commitment will get results. We're all prey to this nonsense. Thank you for dropping by and adding your thoughts.
HelRay Premium
Starting something new, especially something like IM that has so many facets to it can seem daunting and overwhelming. I have been been the architect of my own downfall for years and could never figure out why, but I think the answer is fear of failure. What if I just CAN'T do it? What if I don't make any money. For me, that would be loss of hope and that is a very powerful motivator - to lose your dreams and be stuck where you are forever. Right now, I've just taken the first step. I have gained access to WA and have started following and actioning the training. I think this is the answer for me - baby steps, so that I gain confidence but don't get overwhelmed. WA has the benefit of massive moral support and I'm feeling positive and upbeat about my ability to succeed!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi HelRay,

Just tunnel through the learning process. May look like a maze at first, but that'll change, and your ideas will take shape. You have so much company.

Don't let it throw you. Think about it. It's like going to the farmer's market for strawberries and you come home with tomatoes. Did you fail because you have tomatoes and not strawberries?

The exposure will ignite your own ideas. You don't know where this experience will lead you. Like all education, learning opens your mind. You'll figure out what will work for you in due time. Listen to what Kyle said about failure. That should be encouraging.

Thanks for your insightful feedback.
StacyLM Premium
Great piece, and thanks for putting it out there.

I've pondered my own proclivities to procrastinate long and hard, and I finally had to admit to myself something that I rarely hear people mention, or discuss - Fear of Success.

The concept of success can be very daunting for some of us. If, like me, you are commitment-phobic, the end result is a circular thought pattern that resonates like a Yoga chant: "What if I succeed? If I succeed, I'll have to commit to furthering my own success. If I have to further my own success, then I'll have to commit." It's a mental merry-go-around that takes incredible force of will to conquer.

Just a thought - worth considering....or not.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Stacy, fear of success is a big one for many of us. I think we give the concept of success too much importance. We feel trapped because all eyes will be on us, more will be expected of us, and we'll lose our freedom. Boy, I sure get it. It's so comfortable not to be noticed. Maybe we should cultivate an attitude of indifference. Your success is nobody's business but yours, afterall. Not smart to deprive oneself of the fruits of your labor for those reasons. It's like cheating yourself. Go get it Stacy! I will too. Thank you for sharing.
kyle Premium Plus
This is a great piece and very thought provoking. I think that people do fear what failure might look like, but this is only because they have not given it any thought. Failing ain't that bad!

Those that succeed fear what failing to act would look like. I know this is true for me, I fear what will happen if I stop being in constant motion and becoming complacent. Because of this I get to fail all the time, which is fine with me because all my failures are collective learning experiences and become assets to my skill set.

I think people tend to make excuses, the most common one being "I have no time". Everybody has time, regardless of your situation. What it comes down to is time allocation and replacing things you do (which you think are important but really aren't, within things that will lead to a better life).

My thoughts...
jatdebeaune Premium
Complacency is much worse than failure, as is mediocrity. I see things as mediocre when going after a "better" idea is missing and whatever it is you're creating becomes lifeless. In other words, when someone doesn't take a chance or even try to reach the next level, or do something new regardless of consequence. Doing same old thing just to be safe puts you in a rut really fast. IM is risky for many of us, certainly in the beginning, before you have demonstrated to yourself that you can do it. Doesn't matter. You have to trust yourself. You have to risk it sometimes. The performers we all admire the most are the risky ones. They sing a song like it's the first time they have sung it, and they try things out right in front of a live audience. And it's exciting. I think fear of failure disappears when we muster up the courage to take a chance. Better to fail than never to have tried. You're right Kyle, failure is not so bad. It's the experimental part, so failure is part of the creative process. Thank you for commenting.

kyle Premium Plus
I think if you continually work towards the unknown your venture is always exxciting and it will take you that much closer to success. The unknown is scary to people (mediocrity) and exciting to others (success) and I think if you work towards finding out what the unknown is for yourself, your knowledge set becomes unbelievable.

We are all in a state of unknowns, it just depends on your perspective.
fishing Premium
I try to stay positive as at times it is very hard and roadblocks are easy distractions to turn your motivation into sour wine....sometimes a good kick in the butt and some motivational talk from the WA community does it for me.....maybe i am just thick as a brick but I keep on coming back because I know this can work and it does for others and hard work never really throughs me takes time some times to much time....I keep the faith as I know WA community will carry me through the ruff times as they have in the past.......
jatdebeaune Premium
A good thing to remember as we go through the rough times is that so many others have made it in IM. Some of them didn't have a community like WA either. If they can do it, so can we. Also, you/we keep coming back for a reason. It's that steely voice that says to
keep going.