Jig is Up!
New year is approaching, and this is the year I have decided to blow it out of the water. Sorry folks, I'm not happy treading water. Not my style. I realize you have to crawl before you walk, but now it's time to run.
Had a pow wow with my sister yesterday. We're both designers and we partner in many business ventures. I have been educating her about IM as WA educates me, to wit, both of us are a work in progress. But then again, isn't everyone a work in progress? We're both good students, and that's a good thing. It's one thing to know "how" to do something, quite another thing to put those tires solidly on the road, and definitely quite another matter to get dramatic results. We have some good ideas that need to take flight right NOW. Not tomorrow. Not even yesterday. In other words, we are ready. Little nip, little tuck, and watch out!
This has been an amazing adventure for which I feel priviledged to have participated. My patience does have limits, however. That includes patience with myself.
I am a very disciplined, shoot from the hip intuitive type who is being forced to be more analytical, more left brained. It's done me some good. Painful though it is! lol. You have to be a combination of feet on the ground and head in the clouds to be really successful at anything, but, in the balance, I find IM to be decidedly more left brained. In the past, I would get an idea, struggle for a week or two, then just do it. I got into the flow pretty quickly. Why? Because I was in my sweet spot. More often than not, I had big successes. You get addicted to success. Nothing wrong with that. Those triumphs involved a different kind of complexity. It was a different challenge. It was a different time. Aw right, it is a totally different thing.
I believe we are in a new age in which there is a new kind of entrepreneur evolving out of sheer necessity, and out of a natural evolution, in the same sense that the Industrial Revolution happened in England in the 18th century. It's time had come. We're in a new age full of possibility. Pretty exciting! Just like the Industrial Revolution, the "new" comes with growing pains. We're having to transition from human power to technology taking up human tasks. It's a shock! Honestly, I don't always like it. OK, truth is, I don't like it at all. But, I'm here to make the most of it and do my best to use technology in as creative a way as I can.
The Internet is another shock, a wonderful one. Here we are, people from all over the world communicating with each other in split seconds. Who ever dreamed of that in 1900? Ahem, not that I was around then.
My big concern as a designer and as a new entrepreneur, is to maintain a level of "quality" in whatever I produce during this new age. Integrity is a word that is bantered about, but I wonder if people really think about it enough. We're consumers as well as producers and entrepreneurs. How do you feel about reading content over the Internet that you're not even sure is true, far less interesting? How do you feel about going into a store to buy a refrigerator, wondering if it will fall apart in a year or two? How do you feel about buying furniture that is not finished properly, eliminates dovetails, and doesn't hold up to use? How do you feel about buying clothing that you used to see in the flea market or second hand shop for a couple bucks, now being sold as first quality merchandise, with a hefty price tag as designer clothing? I take that back. I've picked up some great stuff in second hand shops and flea markets.
So, to get back to my original intent, I'm blowing it out of the water with a quality product, quality content, quality everything else. One's Internet ventures should be consistent with one's values.
My patience is used up.
The time has come!