Keep Eyes Wide Open, then Always Do What Is Right for You!

Last Update: November 21, 2010

 We have to be reminded of this. I need to be reminded of this too, all of the time!

Every once in awhile, some company tries to hire me. Frankly, it's an exercise in futility since I am totally not suited to corporate life and I am totally aware of it. Makes me shudder in horror because I know I am not a candidate for such a life and am not amenable to having a boss or being a boss. My stay would be short lived. I'd be an excellent employee as far as getting the job done is concerned, but my maverick ways would eventually do me in. I LOVE being an outsider. I LOVE speaking my mind. I LOVE leaving them with their mouths open wishing if only they could fire me. Sometimes being provocative causes people to think. When they start thinking that's when good things happen. Why is an open exchange discouraged in so many companies?  There are some brilliant minds within the corporations. I honestly don't know how they are coping. I know a big incentive is the need to provide for one's family. These individuals are paying a price, or maybe they have risen above the radar and are living in "teflon-ville".  Maybe they are untouchable.  All this being said, I stay open to possibilities and keep an open mind.

Someone tried to hire me this week. Admit, it was very flattering. Kind of foolish though and a waste of time. It gave me great insight into the job market. The company in question is a large one. The people seem pleasant. They have NOTHING to offer me, and they lost no weight trying. No opportunity for a negotiation just in case I had serious interest in them, which I might have. Who knows. No, not really.  I can now see that companies think that all the cards are stacked in their favor. They think they can call all the shots and exploit people. I read and hear that employers are requiring 110% effort from their employees these days. Compensation is diminished. Some of it sounds like slave labor. Are we being squeezed at both ends? 

Be happy about what you are doing. Devote yourself to your business. Nurture it. Grow it. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Don't look back.

That's my Saturday morning message. Have a great weekend!

UPSHOT: Good comes out of keeping an open mind. I made new friends. We will possibly be working together on a very creative project after Christmas.  Even if we don't work together, it's important to have friends.


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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Bill. I have more guts than brains.
mr.billee Premium
please dont be offended but you are one gutsy broad, with backbone-courageous,i and we admire you for it-fellow member bill
jatdebeaune Premium
Hindsight is 20/20, you're right. Every once in a while, it's good to test the rightness of your direction. That's what I did, and it gave me renewed passion. Want to share it with everybody.
WRI Premium
I agree, but I must say 20/20 hindsight is good when it leads to a prosperous future.
Look back with wisdom, and change your world, for in truth if we all do this TOGETHER we do make a difference.