Laugh or Cry

Last Update: May 20, 2011

I thought I have seen every possible way a "poacher" can use or abuse an article. Never thought of this one. It's funny, but I don't like it.


Just found the title of one of my articles, my site name and my name used to advertise a porn site. What possible relevance is an article about antique Persian rugs to PORN?!  They used just the title of the article, no article, thank God for small blessings.

I think this is one for Google complaints, don't you?



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robert2704 Premium
That is funny. Worry if you go to google instant and that comes up after your name. Then you might have a problem. Hot trends. :)
burntout Premium
Joan + persian rugs = porn? That just doesn't add up! Call the exterminater.
dataplextech Premium
You should always laugh versus cry - except when someone eats all your M&Ms. But just think, with 500 quadzillion porn sites, and you found that page! Sometimes Google is just amazing. :)
Labman_1 Premium
Well, you can do it on a rug.....Yup, I agree Google Complaints is a good response. Especially if they used your name in there.
Googling "Persian porn" might give some answers. As they say: “Imitation is the highest form of flattery” but you don't feel flattered for obvious reasons. I can understand the copying of a title since as far as know titles aren't subject to copyright but why would your name and website be mentioned?