Nothing Like a Fresh Start
The beginning of a new year is like having a brand new notebook with clean white pages just waiting for our imprint, our intentions to be written down as a strategy, a new plan to follow.
A new year is full of possibilities. It's your life. It's my life. We are the authors. Only you or I can decide how to use this time.
Some people are self employed. Others have employers. Some are doing both things. It's fine either way. It's a matter of optimizing whatever you're doing. Perform at your best, and be in the moment. Remember, you can hit only one bulls-eye at a time. You can hit multiple bulls-eyes during a space of time, but only one at a time. Hit one, then hit the next.
The usual resolutions people make have to do with spending more time with friends and family, and eating a healthier diet and dropping some weight. All good resolutions. But are you still committed by June or July?
There's a trick to making these changes stick. If it's too painful, too restrictive, we will probably abandon the plan. Also, if whatever the habit is that we want to correct is painful enough, then the new behavior will seem far less painful then the pain we were experiencing as a result of that bad habit. The reward far exceeds the cost. For instance, if you absolutely despise having an employer, then you'll do almost anything (within reason) to be independently employed. If bad eating patterns have made you ill, then feeling better is enough motivation to adhere to a healthier eating plan.
Bad habits are hard to break, but if through education or common sense, we convince ourselves of the great benefit of changing bad habits to better ones, our behavior will follow. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience. If one has a sweet tooth and feels they have an addiction, better to change that habit to something healthier, pronto. Cut back on sugar intake, or cut it out completely. If it is beneficial to cut out refined sugar altogether, then replace it with a food that is healthy, nutritious and delicious, and that will satisfy the sweet urge. I promise, anyone will soon be over the addiction to sugar. Takes on average, about a week of abstinence. Chromium picolinate helps.
But what about our professional lives?
Don't wait until January 1st, let's start now.
Here are some provocative questions we can ask ourselves:
1. Am I doing what I am meant to do? Very, very important to think about this.
2. Do I love what I do? Does my work utilize my abilities to the fullest? Am I maximizing my earning potential?
If happy with your work and direction, then get even better at it. Learn new skills. Make yourself "cutting edge" and able to handle whatever is thrown at you. Don't miss the opportunity to consult with your employer about what skills to sharpen in order to do your job better. If you have clients, then question them as to their needs so that you will be better able to serve them. Your business will only grow as a result.
What to do now? Here's what I do:
Get organized. Throw out useless files and outdated programs. If these things still provide some value, then archive them. The file nearest your desk should contain only current files and present business.
If you have been procrastinating learning certain things that are important to your success, then schedule them in. Address it sooner than later.
This is a hard one...manage time. Guard your workday! Don't allow anyone to interrupt your worktime. They'll try, until you lay down the law. Be tough. People will understand. Return calls only during certain hours unless it is an emergency. Don't pick up the phone during work hours.
Make lists and check them off. Use a white board if that works for you. Make your list reasonable, and make it contingent, each task adds to the next. That way, you'll get something accomplished. Scattered effort doesn't serve you well.
Be thoughtful of people you work with and people who supply you with a service. Create good relationships everywhere. You want good vibes everywhere because everyone works more efficiently and productively in a friendly, happy, positive environment. Good relationships pay big dividends.
Follow through. After you do all your dreaming, then roll up your sleeves and get to work. Keep envisioning success. Don't ever give up!
Cheers to my fellow members for a happy and prosperous new year!
Feel free to add your suggestions to mine. We will all benefit. Me too.