Re:S-510 Bill before Congress

Last Update: November 22, 2010

For the US citizens out there, thought you would benefit by knowing how to reach your senators to protest S-510. Also to learn more about the bill. 

Here's a link:

On that site, there are instructions on what to do. Don't delay. Our Canadian neighbors succeeded. We can do it too. Let's trip up Monsanto and the rest of the evil mongers.

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Robg1 Premium
Really scary stuff. I have been looking into this kind of thing recently and I cant believe how many personal freedoms have been and are planned to be taken away. Nazism, fascism, dictatorship, despotism, and dare I say it communism are live and kicking in the ' free world'. In the UK for example there are plans to pass a law that would make all herbal medicine illegal unless it has passed the same tests as prescription drugs. Same B.S. lets hand it over to the big money makers! On the other hand (conspiracy theories apart) sometimes I think people in power just make up these laws in order to justify their positions and pay packet . They know we have enough laws in place but if they don't make any more up they might be seen to do nothing!
mr.billee Premium
add archer daniels midland du pont chevron,bayer,etc.etc. 2-the listbill
Sherion Premium
Okay I went and checked it all out. In New Mexico, if possible, we all have gardens. Not only that but we have Farmers Market that sells all sorts of veggies, bread, etc. and has been here for like 40 years. But, I don't see where the public is informed of this.