Responsibility That Comes With Opportunity, or What Not To Do Just Because You Can

Last Update: May 15, 2011

Time off to have coffee with my WA buddies and chat.

Why not? It's the weekend. I try to spend Sunday mornings catching up on reading. Because my time is limited, I want to make my reading count and read the sort of stuff that is educational and/or inspiring in some way.

I am very interested in health matters and the different ways we maintain our health. Too many people are getting cancer these days, people close to me, and far away. Too much of it.  Sometimes, I wish I had become a doctor so I can help to prevent cancer and treat people, save their lives without harming them.  I guess you can tell that I am not a big fan of traditional medicine when it comes to treating cancer and other diseases that are treated with typical chemicals from the pharmaceuticals, sorry if I've offended anyone. Of course, there are good people everywhere. These organizations are hoodwinking the public. I'm pretty angry about what I have been learning, but it's not new. First of all, there is a reason so many people have cancer.  Our environment has been polluted with pesticides, irradiated foods, flourides in drinking water, food additives, genetically altered foods, diet, the list goes on. Sure, genetics play a role, but even genes respond to balanced conditions, such as balanced hormones and a clean balanced diet and a clean environment.

What are those weird little things we see in the sky that almost resemble clouds? Plaid clouds? HAH! C'mon. What is that? Aluminum? Wonderful.

One thing I know for sure. Cancer is big business and too lucrative to give a peep hole of credence to alternative methods that work. Imagine a world without cancer! Imagine a world without disease. Most likely there will always be some fool thing we chase after, but that's really not the point of this blog. And yes, people are living longer. How wonderful is that! Yes, the planet will sustain life, new life and old life.

What disturbs me the most is the greediness of  organizations who profit by the suffering of innocent people, knowing full well there are methods that can curtail or even completely eliminate this suffering. This corruption comes from many directions and many industries, even government. These industries have power which they are using in a wrong way, just because they can. And we act as if this is OK with us.  Not OK folks.  Not when people are suffering.

If you're in a health and wellness niche, you can illuminate and give great info plus other options. I think that is a great niche. I know it's competitive.

We have a great tool, a great gift called the Internet. It's a powerful tool because we can get into the minds and hearts of almost everyone, well certainly the online world,  through our writing, our marketing, our products.  We can all be instrumental in changing the world for the better and btw, make lots of money in the process. Kyle and Carson are doing it. They are wonderful role models.

Somebody has to wave the banner of integrity. May as well be us. Do it right!

Now, back to that Dutch pancake that's sitting on my breakfast table. Wish I could share it.

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jatdebeaune Premium
You're doing important work Rob. People have a right to know what is in their best interest. I enjoy making money too, but not on anyone else's back. How can these people sleep at night? Keep up the good work.
Robg1 Premium
Also as you say most of out illnesses could be prevented rather than cured. but there's no money in that.
Robg1 Premium
So very true Joan. I am working on my weight loss site now and I am trying to educate people about sensible weight loss through simply eating nutritious food. The same is true of most of the diet industry as is true of pharmaceutics. They don't want to show you a real solution or cure you because they would make less money. The same companies that make pharmaceuticals make food that makes us ill and sell us half baked cures.

When you stand back a distance and look at what our world has become it really is a disgusting state of affairs. Money is way more important than the health of the human race. Corporations get richer while the people get sicker.

I will probably offend some people by saying this but the politicians are totally corrupt too and that is a massive part of the problem.

As you say Joan the internet is a great open place where information other than main stream media and corporate propaganda style advertising can be heard. More and more people are waking up to the things you are talking about because of this.

If we can do our bit. Then that's great too!
jatdebeaune Premium
Dutch pancake was awesome. I'll give you the recipe if you want it. I don't know a heck of a lot about it, but I know Noni juice is used in the treatment of cancer because it has a slew of cancer fighting nutrients. Stimulates production of nitric oxide which reduces tumor growth and increases immune response against free radicals. Brings oxygen to the cancer cell, which kills the cancer. Your friend's parents may very well have been cured taking this juice. I hear it tastes pretty bad. Very powerful, even with the sugar they put in so people can drink it.
iw99 Premium
The dutch pancake sounds awesome. A guy at work, his parents had cancer and said they took Noni juice and beat it. Is there anything to that?