Save Yourself Some Time by Walking Away

Last Update: January 03, 2012

Are you seeing the forest for the trees?

Sometimes things are so in front of your face that they could bite you if they were lions or tigers.

So why do we miss seeing the obvious? Why did I miss seeing the obvious? Is it masochism? Do I really want to suffer? Well, of course not. Silly and dumb, lol. Sometimes things are too obvious. We figure it can't be that easy. Guess what?

It's one of the great mysteries of life, why we allow pain and frustration by beating our heads against the wall, when the solution is right in front of our eyes.  We're just up too close.  

It took my 9 year old nephew to set me straight  yesterday. The freshness and  innocence of children is often disarming, and right on target.

My sister has been telling me the same thing for a year. One of my best friends has been pelting me with this realization.

I didn't hear them. It took my nine year old nephew to get through to me.

I was wasting my time and energy on something that had an iffy outcome. If it's not working after considerable time and effort, change direction or let it go. If it's not working, then maybe you are going in the wrong direction.

It's OK. I forgive myself. We're all human. We have to make mistakes. That's part of it. If you don't make mistakes, that means you're not exploring possibilities. Just bear in mind, we get blind spots when we're up too close.

That's why no matter how committed one is,  it's important to step away from projects at intervals in order to stay objective and keep everything in proper perspective. You have to be brutally honest with yourself all the time.

Save time by walking away. You're not being lazy or disorganized. You're being time efficient and very practical. That's the creative process. You can't force anything.

Anyway, an idea has to be sound from the beginning. A building needs a strong foundation, or else the structure will collapse.

You'll know when you have to withdraw your attention and halt action in order to clear your mind.

It's just like your GPS, when it says "recalculating".

Take a breather, recalculate, then get back into action.

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WriterGig Premium
I agree! I've stepped back, re-assessed my online marketing plans, and am ready for 2012 to be an incredible year of growth!
jatdebeaune Premium
Cheers to you for a great 2012 WriterGig! Cheers to all of us.
jdonn Premium
Thanks for the post! It was especially timely for me since I'm sitting here writing my (possibly) last Street Article for this particular website/niche. When we consider the time and effort we put into these sites, it is difficult to walk away. However, I remember on WA member saying "no effort you've ever made here was wasted". You've either learned from your mistakes or at least learned to write better articles. So, New Year, new niche, new website. Something to get motivated about and start fresh.
Thanks Again
jatdebeaune Premium
Yeah, I tend to just leave them alone and move on. Sometimes they even take on a life of their own without added work. Sometimes they just sit there.
jroth728 Premium
Great post jatdebeaune, and so true...

I actually had one of these humbling experiences with a niece of mine this past Christmas.

That's the one thing that I love about children, they are honest about their opinions without having any motives behind them.

I hope that you had a great holiday season, and that your new year is great too!


jatdebeaune Premium
You're so right about children, Jason. They have clear sight and are uncomplicated. As adults, we get fettered by so much garbage. I had a wonderful holiday. Thanks. Hope you did too, and that the coming year is wonderful for you.
muskyblood Premium
Some great advice Joan. I need to "walk away" from a few of my duds... I always feel compelled to renew my domains, even if they suck. Wasting both time and money when I do this!
jatdebeaune Premium
I know Josh. It's not supposed to be hard. I think we all have this work ethic that makes us think that if we work harder at something we can breathe life into it. If it's a real struggle, then maybe it's best to let it go and focus on something that just flows for you. I'm a knuckle brain myself, so I know all about it. Hanging in beyond all reason is foolish.
reader Premium
Great post. Gave you some gold.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks reader. Hope it shed some insight, at least familiarity. Thank you for the gold too.