Slap Happy Fun Speeds Up!
My Wonderful Adventure:
A laugh for today!...Do you remember I wanted to experiment with longish articles and forgo keyword density, just to see what would happen? I did it.
Submitted an article this morning to EZA. It was approved and indexed by 3:00 this afternoon. Not only that, the title and half of the first paragraph were swiped already and, drum roll...ta da...the swiped version was #1 in Google and I was #2 with the title keyword, and on the third page with another keyword. But the swiped version stayed on top as #1 in both cases.
Will be interesting to see if Google can close in on this practice. Interested to see what happens with it due to keyword density of only .6% for my major keyword. The swiper site had absolutely nothing to do with the topic, so where's the relevancy? Fun to see if kw density does or doesn't make a difference. The article was 900 words. Length was also part of the experiment.
Day 2: The poacher is a "blog" about everything except what my article is about. The blogger took my title and first paragraph. No link. No authorship. Blog is #1 on Google. I am #6 on page 2. C'mon!
For the complete, exact title, poacher is #8 on page 1. I am NO WHERE.
Put my title in quotes and I was #3,4, 5. Poacher is #1.
How did they do it? What made the difference? Does KW density definitely count? It's worth an article to find that out.
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