SOPA, CISPA, and now HR 347

Last Update: April 27, 2012

HR 347 was signed into law, and makes free speech a felony.

A first amendment right has now become a felony.

Do you think we have a few things to worry about regarding legislation and the Internet?

I'm disgusted.

Anti-Protest Bill

About the Bill

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Malablues Premium
When you hear a politician talk about the Constitution as a "living" document, vote him or her out.

I cringe when I hear people say, "This is the 21st century!" As if our advancements in technology and access to information have made us any more enlightened. Times have changed, but the trappings of this time period is no different than before.
kyle Premium Plus
I have to agree with you. And the fact that most politicians don't understand the first thing about "technology"...other than perhaps checking their blackberry (yes, most of them don't even know how to use iPhones!). The principles still remain the same and we should work of principles, logic, and common sense. Something that is not covered within the envelope of these bills.
DABK Premium
Here's the link to the bill:

A short bill. And very scary. Scary, to me, mostly because it can send you to jail for protesting within a building or area someone not defined (definitely not, we the people) says you're not allowed to protest.

Obviously, the White House and the Vice President's house are prohibited. But someone at city hall, not even the mayor, could say to a cop, Go cordon off x building. And it's done. It's illegal for you and me to go protest there.

Takes me way back, to my boyhood, when I wasn't allowed to do such things (protest)... because our beloved leader was and I quote "the most beloved son of the people" and, he, therefore, knew all, was about reproach.

Yup, it was like that. Yup, it was a communist country.

Yet no one's flag's at half mast!
jatdebeaune Premium
What they are doing is so dangerous and reprehensible. They are destroying our Constitution at the core. Tampering with the Constitution is something that was never intended. This beautiful moral document is the best thing about America. The right to protest and the right to speak are sacrosanct.

They make these bills intentionally loose so that they can do anything they want. You are correct Dusan. Any building or public place can be cordoned off. Anyone under the protection of the secret service can be shielded from protest.

What are they afraid of?

Dusan, I hope people listen to you. You know what it's like to live under a dictatorship. We have to stop this kind of corrupt legislation.

Lol, I didn't want to get political. When things like this happen, I can't pretend it's okay.
jatdebeaune Premium
Maybe the "Occupy Protestors" freaked them out, but taking away freedom of speech is not the way to handle it. They're using it as an excuse.
cashflow+ Premium
I'm disgusted also. We must keep moving forward in our fight for freedom.
jatdebeaune Premium
We have to be alert to these new bills. They're coming at us like medicine balls. Thanks for commenting cashflow.
Malablues Premium
Sad. And both parties passed it too. Only recourse I can see now is for some organization to take it to the courts.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's criminal. They should all be in jail.
kyle Premium Plus
There seems to be a real push, this one seeming the less harmful of the three (HR 347 that is).

As I said in Jamie's post earlier (Jamie Smith), unless people take a stand against these bills nothing will happen. Fortunately for SOPA and CISPA many major tech corps are on the "good" side and have lobbying power for the people.
jatdebeaune Premium
All three are evil, Kyle. It's an attempt at dictatorship. It's all the same thing, limit freedom of speech, whether it's on American city streets or over the Internet. Dangerous for all of us, the whole world. These people want to perpetrate anything they want and not have any opposition. It's the most unamerican thing I've ever seen in my lifetime. How they got both parties to vote for it amazes me. It's scary because the 2 party system seems to mean nothing anymore.
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree Kyle, we do have to take a stand against these bills. The major tech corps have their work cut out for them. This new bill has to be revoked.
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, it is tough to tell what goes on behind closed doors. There is always more than meets the eye, other deals taking place to flow stuff like this through the legislation process.

Something similar was attempted up here in Canada. They were attempting to give our police "full access" to the Internet with provisions that would allow them to watch and moderate all of the activity on the net. That was shut down very quickly in the house.