The Approaching New Year...Thinking About It In Advance

Last Update: December 28, 2010

Every year at this time I hear friends and family talk about how they are going to get it together at last.  I absolutely believe them and I do the same thing every single year. We all make New Year's  resolutions. Our intentions are stalwart on December 31st. Don't even suggest that any of these great new strategies or goals will fail to materialize, such as:  the healthy new diet plan, the work goals, the organizational plans, plans to spend more time with loved ones, plans to exercise more, plans to learn a new language, a new sport, plans to master anything, plans to write more, eat less, be more creative, whatever your penchant happens to be.

Truth is, life continues. January 1st has 364 days to follow until the next new year. Goals are achieved all the time. Don't we here at WA set goals? And we meet them too. Trick is, make them realistic. Be bold and gutsy, but don't set yourself up for failure. Make goals attainable. In the past, I have set too many goals and reached only a few of them. If I set only a few goals and if I stuck to them like glue, them I'd reach them. I'd  feel more in control, victorious and like a "winner". I'd be focused on as much as I could comfortably handle and the task would be attainable. I think it's important to yourself to do what you say you are going to do. No one else really cares, but you do, and you need to know that you can do it. The more you prove yourself to yourself,  the more tasks you will be able to "take on" with success.  All the while, keep the picture in your head of your ultimate goal, but take it in increments so that your mind will accept it. I also think it's important to be flexible. If you discover along the way that there is an even better way to do something than you had originally thought, then go with the better way. In other words, you may have intended to lose 30 pounds by April, but if you find a slower but healthier diet that will benefit you more in the long run, then take that route. You're still going to lose 30 pounds, maybe by June instead of April. The trade off will be that you are healthier and have learned new habits so that the 30 pound loss will stick. Also, if you discover a better direction for that project you are working on, then change your direction. Don't stick with something that isn't working. Don't be afraid of the circular file. If something isn't working, then retain what is working and throw the rest out. There's no profit in being precious. Just wastes your time and your psyche.  

I feel good about this year for all of us. 

A new year is like a nice big sheet of white paper, ready for you to imprint whatever you like. This is the year to go for it. Take the stops out guys. Learn, learn, learn. Let's ask questions of each other, but don't question yourselves. Just do it!

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ThomasPaul Premium
Thanks, for posting. I enjoyed reading it.
Incognito Premium
Fantastic blog post Joan! Goal-setting is definitely a must. No need to wait till 2011, I'm starting right now :)
jatdebeaune Premium
I'd like to share champagne with both of you on that. Since I can't, I send you wishes for a spectacular New Year!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Joan, thanks for sharing yet another of your great blogs! We are on the same page once again. I set HUGE goals for 2010 and hit many of them. The only way I could pull that off is by breaking down those goals into small steps and knock 'em down one step at a time. 2011 is going to be a great year, the future looks bright for the WA family worldwide.
andys43us Premium
Great post Joan. My New Year's resolution is to set daily and weekly goals that I can achieve in the given time frame and make sure I complete them in time.