The Brotherhood of Fear and Ability to Focus
Want to share a few thoughts with you today.
Interesting time to be alive!
It's no secret that we are all living through challenging times, to say the least.
I don't think any of us have ever experienced these particular challenges, not even those who lived through the Great Depression. People survived the Depression and we are going to survive now. May I be so bold as to say we are going to thrive. All of us. It's up to us. And since it's ultimately up to us, I know we will be victorious.
The planet is not going to go up in smoke. It is not the end of the world. We will continue to create new things, new sources of energy, new, better, more practical ways of doing everything. How do I know? Because we are thinking about it. And the Internet has afforded so much opportunity. There's been a shift. All the scoundels are coming out of the woodwork into the light of day. The scoundrels have always been there. Nothing new. Keep this in mind: the external appearance of things may change, but opportunity never ceases to be. You've heard this before and it's true: every problem has a solution. Focus on the solution, not the problem. Let your mind expand, not retract.
I had a conversation with a good friend yesterday whose company was taken over by corporate. He was feeling very down about it. He's a major contributer in his company, someone you'd love to hire for your company because he's so capable. He thinks that corporate is making some unwise moves that will hurt business and his business performance. One of the moves is that they are outsourcing work that should be done in house. Outsourcing eliminated several jobs at home, and put more responsibility on the shoulders of people who would be more profitable for the company by focusing on their strengths, and not being diluted. I won't bore you with the details. But my powerful friend is feeling powerless. I suggested he talk to his supervisors about it. His response was it will do no good. He said it might even get him fired. I asked him how that could be since he is so valuable. He said it happens all the time. Of course, I know that's true.
This is a description of the climate of fear. Companies are in survival mode, which means they are chopping up the furniture for firewood. There is a pecking order: supervisors, HR, executives, all terrified of making a wrong decision which could potentially get them fired. So they take the route of least resistance. They view creative feedback from the ranks as traitorous. In my opinion, that's not smart. Pretty dumb, as a matter of fact.
How do we cope with it?
By staying calm. Don't invest emotional energy in something that is not benefitting you. Focus on the life you want, and start working toward it. Create your reality in your head first. Everything begins in your imagination.
We talk about setting goals at WA. I don't see it as mechanical as simply writing a plan. I think you have to create the favorable outcome of your efforts in your head first, so you can believe it. Otherwise, it's too abstract. Get your feelings involved, and all your senses. Collect pictures of things you want, even certain conditions you want such as health and happy relationships. Focus on that picture. If you really want the world you create in your imagination, your actions will follow.
Move away from detractors. If someone is pulling you down or away from your desired vision, then move away from them for a while, but with love. I've had to do that myself with a couple friends. I still love them. It's not being selfish. It's being real. You can't afford other people's ignorance to hold you back. You can take them to a five star restaurant afterwards and you can all have a good laugh.
I'm describing the reverse of the Golden Rule. Don't accept from others what you wouldn't do to them. If you are helpful and supportive of others, then why wouldn't you expect others to be supportive of you? If they're not, that's okay. But maybe you should stay away from them while you are working on your dream.
I have a friend who gave me this advice many years ago. He said when you want to reach a goal, start at the completion of it, and work backward. You'll know better what to do.
It may take time. Some people get there sooner than others. Doesn't matter. If you want it, it's yours.
Reduce the stress associated with success, and just bask in the fun of it. Stay on course. And for your own sake, don't be distracted by the brotherhood of fear.