They are relentless

Last Update: May 20, 2012
These programs just flood my inbox. Don't they ever sleep? It's one clever software after the next, with a boring and predictable presentation. You know it's a launch because everyone is hawking it at the same time.

The most recent one is Commission Hack. The name is offensive, but would that bother too many people? I wonder.

Yes, I was curious and checked it out. Why? Because it is being offered by some people I ordinarily respect, so I gave it a few minutes and looked at the video.

Video features this woman named Taylor, draped in a loin cloth or something scanty,  sitting on a couch in her New York apartment, extolling the virtues of easy profit if you're smart enough to invest in her system.  She says some guy shared this secret with her, provocative statement in itself. Who is this guy? Why would he share his secret with her? Then she talks about her life, which includes lattes at Starbuck's while she makes her millions, and leaves her time free to spend the afternoons shopping and later having dinner with girlfriends. That hits the hot buttons alright, if you're a fool.

Gives no information about the system at all. You have to click the button and purchase the product to know anything more. All the time, I'm wondering who gave her the permission to sell this system? What's between her and this mysterious guy, and why should we trust either of them?

Still curious, I hit the button to see what they were charging and if I could learn something useful. It was the predictable $47. Still curious, I put it in Google to find out more.

What I found is that Commission Hack is a WordPress plugin that eliminates much of the work of setting up ClickBank sites. It was designed by two guys, Steven Johnson and Chris X.  I haven't the slightest idea who these guys are.  Also learned there are 3 upsells. 

What the heck do these guys have to do with Taylor? Is she an actress who was hired for the video?

My reaction? Even if it's legit, even if it's a great software, even if it delivers on its promise, I AM TURNED OFF by the manipulation of the presentation. Taylor's story is bogus. They're out of the gate on the wrong foot.

Maybe they think people will trust the offer because they  have a 30 day money back guarantee. I don't know. You have to spend your time testing these products, which is worth way more than $47. Of course, to be fair, if it delivers on its promise, then all is forgiven.

I'm all for smart technology, but feeling weary of this avalanche of offers. How do you guys feel about it?

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jpnetco Premium
and another thing... Not sure I would buy anything from someone who claims their last name is X. I'm a little worked up right now because I am reading Kyles' post about Scamworld, (if ya'll haven't read it yet you really need to, I know you have Jat) been trying to get through it for a couple of days now, because I really want to absorb the information that Kyle is sharing with us and for us, because I have really come to respect the integrity of both Kyle and Carson and the whole WA family. Nothing burns my arse more (except maybe a flame about three feet high) than some unscrupulous IM'er trying to take advantage of others vulnerabilities for fun and/or profit, just so they can live the life of Riley. Sorry, but I feel my inner Mad Max coming out.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's awful because the good guy marketers are suspect because of all the predators. Like Alice in Wonderland, what is up? What is down? Yes, I know you can smell out bogus after a while, and there's more bogus than good. It's still aggravating.
slayton1s Premium
LLLOOOLLL, I'm sitting here watching this video. The only reason she's saying she got it from Mark is if somebody messages or asks her what it's about. She'd just say "that's what Mark told her". Sad. I'm ready to message them & tell them what I think.
jatdebeaune Premium
They'd never get a reply from her unless she's being used as a factotum. Even the presentation is like a cheap set up.
Marat Premium
You can "Unsubscribe" from these annoying people, I did it long time ago! And you will not get these emails anymore! They want only to Sell you BS!!! There is only a few decent people who will give you something good, others only hunt your money! My advice "Unsubscribe" from them and stay focused, then you will see success, dont chase these "shiny things"because most of them is crap, (from my expirience) / ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
You're right Marat. I unsubscribed to a bunch of them. Now a new crop popped up and I'm unsubscribing to them, even the ones I credited with being somewhat ethical. I guess marketers are judged by the company they keep.
slayton1s Premium
When I see a video promotion without any description, I usually just exit out. It's kind of sad people resort to doing these sorts of things. I've bought into something similiar before joining Wealthy Affiliate, and it was pretty much a full & really boring tutorial over how to use Blogger.... it didn't even tell me the important parts of actually doing it. It simply just told me how to post & that was it.

I mean, it's pretty obvious anyway. Why would they put the video up if they were making millions of dollars in the 1st place? & then to talk about it with such little detail, that tells you about everything you need to know right there. I might check it out for laughs. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
I promise it is good for laughs, if it were not so insulting. So, you laugh and cry.
jpnetco Premium
I feel your pain and frustration my friend. Concerning "Then she talks about her life, which includes lattes at Starbuck's while she makes her millions, and leaves her time free to
spend the afternoons shopping and later having dinner with girlfriends." When is someone gonna get real and talk about their new found freedom that allows them to, make a pot of flavored coffee in the morning, feed the pets, get the kids ready for school, take the kids to school, spend the afternoons cleaning the house, pick kids up from school, make and have dinner with your family, clean house a little more after kids go to bed, get a few hours shut eye yourself then get up and do it all again, because people who have to go to a real job just don't have the freedom to do all that fun stuff.
Yea, I've received that same offer, and watched the pretty girl and the only thing that got hacked was my time.
After a while you just learn to spot the ones that are bogus, and if they aren't really bogus but there presentation is, I'm still not interested.
Thanks for the share Jat.
jatdebeaune Premium
They must think we're all idiots. This girl was such a turn off for me. They are appealing to a segment of the marketing population that thinks you hit a couple buttons and money flows in. You spend your days shopping at Bloomingdale's. Lol. As you say, the free time would give a person a chance to tend to their families better, or heck,, write a book.