Want to share something very inspiring with you. I have massive respect for these people. USA, take a lesson.
is a graphic, and outstanding, example of Free Market Capitalism in action!
Could we do that? We did at one time think and produce monumentally! And, we
further freed Germany to return and blossom, as a political,
industrial and financial power house. Note the early statement “ and labor
costs are high”, but industry stayed in Germany rather than massively migrate as in the U.S. What’s our problem? You tell me.
Note: This took place in Dresden, deep in the old Communist East Zone!
Pass this, if you believe in free market Capitalism.. Gene"
Subject: Fwd: ONLY IN GERMANY (technology)
VW factory in Dresden!
: FW: ONLY IN GERMANY (technology)
Until last year Germany (pop. 81 million) was the world’s number
one exporter – finally displaced by China (pop. 1.3 + billion) in 2011. A testimonial to German
technology and precision/quality engineering – even though labor costs are very
high. Watch this video – you’ll be awed.