This blew Me Away! I Want That Car!!!

Last Update: November 12, 2011

Want to share something very inspiring with you. I have massive respect for these people. USA, take a lesson.


"This is a graphic, and outstanding, example of Free Market Capitalism in action! Could we do that? We did at one time think and produce monumentally! And, we further freed Germany to return and blossom, as a political, industrial and financial power house. Note the early statement “ and labor costs are high”, but industry stayed in Germany rather than massively migrate as in the U.S. What’s our problem? You tell me. 
Note: This took place in Dresden, deep in the old Communist East Zone!
Pass this, if you believe in free market Capitalism..  Gene"
Subject: Fwd: ONLY IN GERMANY (technology)
VW factory in Dresden!
: FW: ONLY IN GERMANY (technology)
Until last year Germany (pop. 81 million) was the world’s number one exporter – finally displaced by China (pop. 1.3 + billion) in 2011. A testimonial to German technology and precision/quality engineering – even though labor costs are very high. Watch this video – you’ll be awed.

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dataplextech Premium
I don't think that factory knows the meaning of the word grease. Gee, I think I should go clean the garage now.
jatdebeaune Premium
And they're wearing white and look more pristine than medical doctors.
Coin collectah Premium
Thx for sharing, cool video!
jatdebeaune Premium
My pleasure. Glad you enjoyed it.
DABK Premium
Germany requires companies and people to pay taxes on imported items that are significant, enough to not make it worthwhile for their manufacturers to move to China and ship stuff back.
jatdebeaune Premium
Maybe that's what we should do.
Robg1 Premium
Same as Thailand -- 200% import tax!
Labman_1 Premium
That is some awesome automation. I particularly liked the inductive power pick-ups for the test machinery.
Installation of our equipment is no where near as slick as this plant. I'm definitely going to share this one at work. Someone has definitely decided to think outside the box on this one.
Interesting to note that the labor costs are quite low. I saw a few technicians on the floor but nothing that looks like some of the plants I have been in. When you can decrease your labor costs, the automation pays back quickly. Thanks for sharing Joan.
jatdebeaune Premium
Awesome! Such precision. Beautiful building too.