Try Something New for 30 Days

Last Update: December 29, 2011

Doesn't take long to form a new habit.

In the new year, try something you've never done before.You don't know what you're capable of doing until you try.

Here's what Matt Cutts did.

Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days...



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Jamie Smith Premium
Gotta love Matt Cutts and gotta love Joan, yep, looking forward to checking out your blog!
jatdebeaune Premium
Happy New Year Jamie! Big hug!
Incognito Premium
Great video Joan and Happy New Year!
jatdebeaune Premium
You too Leo... a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
meknowsu Premium
This is a good idea, I have decided I want to learn how to draw, so for the next 30 days I will be using my sketch pad and drawing pencils. Woo Hoo!
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes!!! I like that.
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for that Joan, I have a confession to make, I always get lost when I go to the TED website. Following your Matt Cutts entry led me to Steve Jobs at the Stanford University Graduation last year.... several entries later I finally said to myself time to close this motivational stuff and get started on my own stuff.
Last year (well early in 2011) I subscribed to the 30 day WA promotion club that was run by our own Marcus. This was the best 30 days I've spent here. Lots of work but as Matt Cutts says, it has stayed with me and I count it as a great experience.
The 30 day article writing challenge that K&C did was another of those experiences. So, make yourself a challenge and do it for 30 days. Well worth it whatever the experience is.
jatdebeaune Premium
I agree Craig. It has a cumulative effect. We're training ourselves. I think sometimes people don't even realize how much they are learning, and how it is going to benefit them going forward. I have so much to learn, especially technically, however, what I have learned is huge. I wish you a very healthy and happy new year.
reader Premium
thanks for sharing. What I want to do for 30 days: besides learning something new on WA, be some kind of small success with what I learned. And what else I want to do for 30 days is quit a bad habit or at least cut down: smoking.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's great! Cheers reader, Happy New Year!