Turning Point
Had dinner last night with a group of dear friends of varying ages, from different occupations, to no occupation. A couple of my friends are in their 30's, two are 48 and 49, one is 53, another is 70, another is 60 something, and one of my best friends is 90. So, there was a wide range of age and experience represented at the table, with different points of view related to age and experience.
Each of these people has witnessed "change" in their own personal lives, and in the world around them. Technology is growing at a phenomenal rate. Some people are employed in companies offering little to no opportunity for advancement. Some are having to reinvent themselves due to occupations that are outdated and no longer exist. Some people have reached retirement age and have no desire to retire. Some have been forced into early retirement.
How are they going to handle these changes?
Last night, we talked about everything, all the changes taking place in our lives right now, changes that have to do with things outside of our own control, and counter to our desire to change at all. It's so comfortable to stay the same. Ruts are cozy prisons.
We talked about the unease of things that seem to be circumstantially thrust upon us, such as the economy (which all at the table seemed to agree is getting better). We talked about our work, our families, our hopes and aspirations. We talked about the future, and how certain trends in our society will impact that future. An important trend is online business. Lol, I was met with blank stares on that one. I'm used to it now.
The one thing we all agree upon is change is inevitable. You get older. Your funds can change. Your work can dry up. You can be offered a great opportunity that changes your life forever. There could be health issues to overcome. You may decide to move to another state or country, life may change at home.
Let's face it, life happens.
My friend Sammy, who just turned 90 in February, still wants to ride her motorcycle, but her daughter put a lock on it. Imagine this, if you will: she is small and thin, with delicate features, and is a very lovely refined lady, who has a great sense of humor and contagious high spirits. Aside from a few aches and pains (not so minor), she thinks her age is an imposter, because in her soul she is still a girl of 20. I like that!
My friends unanimously agree that they have no desire to retire from work. They all want to be productive and active participants. And they like making money. Frankly, most of them can't afford to retire, even if they wanted to. Each would like to win the lottery so that they can take a break, and then resume doing what they like to do, whatever that is.
Each in his/her own way, has reached a turning point, a time when they are reassessing the path their lives have taken/ are taking.
Are they still happy doing what they are doing? How do they want to use their time going forward?
A turning point is a time to take possession of your life.
You can do it. I can do it. Let's create our own changes, before life does it for us.