Wew! There's so much to write about
Last Update: June 08, 2012
It's so interesting to me to see what Street Articles has evolved into during it's young existence. K&C's vision is becoming a reality. They saw SA as a place where latent talent for writing can be encouraged and through lots of practice, it can blossom into some very good writing.
Refreshing, especially in light of past article writing that has been crippled by the need for keyword density and soft selling techniques to subtly nudge folks into purchasing the affiliate product.
Quality writing is emerging, which makes it more fun to write articles and to read them.
People have a lot to say. Of course, LSI hasn't hurt the process. Google encouraging quality content isn't hurting either.
Pleasant way to drive traffic too.
Communication skills and reader participation are burgeoning while some very provocative articles are being written about serious controversial topics, topics that need to be brought out into the light of day, and discussed.
Can we solve the world's problems? I don't know.
Person to person, and without all the usual political nonsense, I can't help but conclude our fresh ideas are a big improvement over... The article, and the comments together, make for fascinating reading, both informative and constructive.
I have somewhat abandoned my niche to write about other concerns that interest me and affect all of us, at least at SA. This new freedom has also given me a different perspective on my niche. It has broadened my vista.
For someone who doesn't know what to choose as a niche, writing about interests is a pretty good way to uncover a perfect niche.
I've been following several people on SA, and vice versa. We all agree that even though we come from different parts of the world and different backgrounds, we are all alike in what counts. We love our families, we take pride in our nations, we are all creative beings, and we want happy, peaceful lives. On that we agree.
We also agree that greed seems to have taken our world hostage. It's not a new concept. Greed has been around forever. It's just transparent now, and it's insidious. What to do about it? I think bringing it to everybody's attention is a good start.
I think that shining a light on the worst perpetrators of greed can be like throwing water on the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz.
Believe it or not, many people are not aware of the misdeeds that are affecting our very existence. If it affects you and others, then why not write about it?
Writing articles online is a perfect way to communicate with a large audience.
Get the conversation started. Ignite an exchange of ideas.
Now that's what the Internet is all about.
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This is a wonderful post and I couldn't agree with you more.
Street Articles continues to evolve into a medium that I use to connect with people and voice my opinions on certain topics. There is a lot of great content on there that I do enjoy reading and that has and will continue to be our focus with future updates. It is not an article directory, it is a medium that can be leveraged to share ideas, opinions, create relationships, learn, grow, gain credibility, build brand, and become a better author.
We have some really awesome stuff planned for SA in the coming months and we will keep all of you in the loop and ask you for feedback and your insights along the way. :)
Street Articles continues to evolve into a medium that I use to connect with people and voice my opinions on certain topics. There is a lot of great content on there that I do enjoy reading and that has and will continue to be our focus with future updates. It is not an article directory, it is a medium that can be leveraged to share ideas, opinions, create relationships, learn, grow, gain credibility, build brand, and become a better author.
We have some really awesome stuff planned for SA in the coming months and we will keep all of you in the loop and ask you for feedback and your insights along the way. :)
I see you follow Rob I have read some of your comments so do I. I just finnished a article I have sent for pulbishing at SA on that very subject. I also have recently seen SA a very postive way to let out the anger I feel from the world treating each other like manure (to be nice). I feel it is making me grow as a person and of course a writer, more importantly I think worldly events should be discussed...can we save the world maybe not but we can deffinetly make a dent the power truly is in the hand of the people...just it takes so many to make a difference....all you can do is what you think is right and treat your fellow man with respect....