Why I Ask???

Last Update: October 04, 2010

What Is the Easiest Profession and What Is the Hardest, and Why Did You Choose IM? Maybe hard or easy doesn't really matter. Gotta have an attraction other than "I hate my day job".

Here, I'll give you some examples to choose from: Social Director on a Cruise Line, Chef, Comedy Writer, Secretary, Donald Trump's Apprentice, Martha Stewart's Food Taster, Lawyer, Crocodile Wrangler, Cartoonist, Dishwasher, Copywriter, Illustrator, Short Order Cook, Rock Star, Telephone Technician, Internet Marketer, Ballerina, Ballerino, Veterinarian, Waiter, Dog Walker, Librarian, College Professor, Home Inspector, Chimney Sweeper, Jazz Musician, Janitor, Letterman's Mother, Store Clerk, Nose (Perfume tester), Surgeon, Advertising Executive, Oyster Floater, Schoolteacher, Politician, Queen, King, IMAX Screen Cleaner, Clown, TV Producer, Novelist, Nasty Stunt Producer.

With all of these choices, why did you choose Internet Marketing? Seriously...why? It's important to me to know. And, maybe it's important for you to know.

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prinker Premium
Honestly I was laid-off a little over a year ago and wanted to find something where I could work from home. It took me months to find WA and weed out all of the scams, but here I am and I'm doing everything in my power to not have to go back out into the workforce. I wish I would have found this opportunity earlier on, but I'm working at it and I hope good things come my way soon.
famousplumber Premium
Because after 42 years of plumbing, I got tired of all the crap! Now I see all the crap on the internet and totally reject it. This gives me the chance to be a truthful and honest IMer.
Jamie Smith Premium
My choice of IM is because I make way more $$ from marketing than I do from teaching music and vocal coaching. Since I travel around the world, it is nice to set up a laptop in hotels to not only record beats but to also enjoy my marketing worldwide.
magistudio Premium Plus
It's because my Ballerino career never took flight.. ;)

I chose IM as a career path because it gives me flexibility of time and I can 'work' on my business from anywhere in the world. Basically not being chained to a desk is cool with me.
Labman_1 Premium
I have been settling all of my life. I didn't choose my profession it chose me. I tried to become a vet, Flunked out. Tried to become a Marine Biologist, Flunked out. Finally focused on Engineering and was able to pass something. So I settled for Engineering. Really wasn't much of an Engineer either and moved from place to place for 20 years. So now, I think I can use all the accumulated knowledge that I have accrued to make a difference in my life. This time I choose to do this and am not setting for something.