Yes! Yes! Throw off Corporate Shackles ASAP!

Last Update: March 30, 2010

Man alive, I have never been a corporate animal. Never, never, ever! I sympathize with people who are counting the days, minutes, seconds when they can throw open the door and say so long to the "man". Yes, I fly solo in the cold cold world. In a way, I'm lucky. Can't be laid off, though my industry was seriously outsourced, with resultant negative impact on me and a few others like me. I've been on the outside as an independent idea resource to corporations from the get go. Frankly, I don't think they would ever hire me. They see me as an oddity, a freak, who has something they need, so they tolerate me. I used to be hurt by that realization. Now that I'm weathered with rings around my trunk, don't care. They'd end up having to fire me for not fitting in, anyway. The lady is a tramp.

Here's what I think is terribly wrong about corporate life and why people want out, and it's not just in order to use your own initiative to earn a bundle. Corporations seem allergic to showing any appreciation for a job well done. Somebody knocks themselves out, achieves the impossible, breaks records, and no accolades? Are they afraid you'll ask for more money? Sometimes it's even worse. They lay you off after you've achieved something remarkable. Now that is surely not based in logic. It's corporate stupidity. Another thing. They manage through fear. Do this or you'll lose your job. What happens if you have an original idea? It's either not recognized, or someone takes it as his/her own. Yes, I've experienced it too, from the outside.

So friends, I support your efforts. Work diligently to achieve freedom. 

This is coming from your WA buddy who understands so well.




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jatdebeaune Premium
Andy, It's relative. Some people do OK in the corporate world. I know I'm not cut out for it. Sounds like you know that you're not cut out for it either. Yeah, I don't approve of what I've witnessed.
andys43us Premium
You just gave me another reason to never go to the corporate life. I was never planning to go there anyways. Thanks for reminding me that I made the right choice. in life, I was feeling a little down before reading this.
jatdebeaune Premium
Dr.Bob, Love WA. Feels good to think that someone actually cares about you for a change. Seems counter-productive for corporations to be so cavalier with their human resources. Notwithstanding the humanitarian aspects.
dr.bob Premium
You are so right about corporations. I worked for over 34 years for the same company and they needed to down size so they laid me off and kept 2 guys that had been with the company for 3 years. They do not care about the worker at all. If you ask them how much should you give, they will always say, "more,more, more." I was with Caterpillar for 3 years and they downsized so they laid me off and kept people that had been there for 3 or 4 months. Companies have NO loyalty to the worker. Of course, I was working in the office as an database admin and calibrations manager so they paid me well.
WA is not like this. Everyone wants to see everyone succeed.
Not2Late Premium
This is refreshing to hear. Unfortunately, what you say is basically true. I experienced first hand what you describe and although painful at first I am now able to look back and ask myself "what was I thinking?"

Joan, thanks for the moral support.
Carson Premium Plus