Posts by Jkirbzcadaing 5
Hey guys whats up? Its feels like its been awhile since I've posting anything up! Somethings are going on with my life right now that I wish didn't happen, but what can I do? Its life. I'm not gonna lie, I haven't been studying up in a day or two cause of real world situations, but I promise I won't give up on WA! I'm trying to draw up an article in my head, but I'm not quite sure what I should write about cause my head is jumbled up. I've setup an Ezinearticle and Squidoo account, but how shoul
Hey whats goin' on everyone! It feels like its been a while since I wrote a blog on here! So any new updates from me? Not really, still learning and reading, a lot of reading, about affiliate marketing. I wish there was like a quiz or something so I know I can recall all the information that I learned LOL. Hey! This is a University right? Ha! But yeah, I might need some help after the Training Center. Like what is the BEST way to get started once training is over ya know? I know a lot of people
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So its about day 3 into Wealth Affiliate and it is going great! As I am meeting new people and getting to know the WA community, I'm really starting to open up about my future plans and goals in life. As much as I want to profit from sales and marketing, I would also like to benefit from having experienced friends and partners along the road. Everyone has been friendly and very generous. It feels like it has been awhile since the last blog I wrote. Maybe its because the first two were early as h
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So it has almost been 24 hours since my first time being a member and blogging here at Wealthy Affiliate and it has been an excellent experience so far! I can't wait to finish up in the Training Center and  actually go out into the wild and catch some greenback fishes! Oh one thing about me is I like using metaphors and similes and rhymes to keep me motivated in writing! Anyways back to what I was saying, so yeah it is going really great in the first 24. I am learning A LOT of online market
It is 7:30AM on January 18, 2010 and today is my first day being a Wealthy Affiliate member! I am excited on the things to come and things that have yet to be expected, good or bad! I have been meaning to join for days now and I finally manned up and pulled a Nike, "just do it!" haha. I am very optimistic about this decision and can forsee that I can do well in this industry. For weeks I have been building this anticipation to become a Affiliate Marketer and all the possibilities that
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