I looked at the clock and it said, "Right now."

Last Update: January 17, 2010

It is 7:30AM on January 18, 2010 and today is my first day being a Wealthy Affiliate member! I am excited on the things to come and things that have yet to be expected, good or bad! I have been meaning to join for days now and I finally manned up and pulled a Nike, "just do it!" haha. I am very optimistic about this decision and can forsee that I can do well in this industry. For weeks I have been building this anticipation to become a Affiliate Marketer and all the possibilities that are available to not only me, but everyone out there! I am very enthusiastic about being officially a Wealthy Affiliate! To be honest, I only slept for a couple hours last night because of all this excitement this gives me! Not only this is my first day as a Wealthy Affiliate, but this is my first time blogging about anything! I guess you can say I'm not much of a writer or reader at that, but the decision on joining Wealthy Affiliate has quickly changed my stubbornness. Inaction=Failure, Action=Success. Well I have to get to class lol since this is a university right? haha! Off to the Training Center I go!

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ellyngeorge Premium
Congratulations on your first ever blog!