Concrete shoes won't help in a river

Last Update: January 25, 2010

Hey guys whats up? Its feels like its been awhile since I've posting anything up! Somethings are going on with my life right now that I wish didn't happen, but what can I do? Its life. I'm not gonna lie, I haven't been studying up in a day or two cause of real world situations, but I promise I won't give up on WA! I'm trying to draw up an article in my head, but I'm not quite sure what I should write about cause my head is jumbled up. I've setup an Ezinearticle and Squidoo account, but how should I use them as far as which is better? I've got some ideas of some niches I want to promote and I, myself is part of the audience I'm trying to reach out to. I have done some researching on some niches, but I seem almost hesitant on actually writing an article for some reason. What should I do to get myself focused? Should I get my real life situations situated? I don't want to pause WA cause time is money and money is time. Well if anybody has any opinions on what I should do next as far as article marketing goes, your input is GREATLY APPRECIATED!

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JDPacero Premium
Post these questions on the forums, it will drastically help you progress faster. Generally, though, begin writing about anything - then pick a niche and start getting some articles out there. Article writing is over-rated, it's extremely easy - just act like you're talking to a friend while informing them on something

But, again, post this kinda stuff on the forum. The blog is great and all to get your thoughts out, but when you want good feedback nothing beats the forum

Get on there and make 100 posts by time 30 days pass, and I guarantee you'll know what's going on WAY better than you do now

Hope this helps,

lilman2834 Premium
i dont caare if u were michael phelps
martinact420 Premium
What up dude. I'd recommend because as a new author, you will get your articles reviewed in 3 days, and after you get 10 thru the mods, you can write whatever you want. AB has a lot of Google juice. I put stuff on the front page every day with a properly seo'd article.

As for what to write? If you really want to write then stick to what you know. I personally "put together" articles on any subject that I think there is money in. Which is everything and anything.

And you say time is money where should I get focused? Focus on that exactly. You payed to be at WA and you aren't getting busy? You have a whole 30 days man. You can get moving.

As for asking for help like in this blog post, I would say to ask in the forums or ask people directly. You may not receive so many answers with the blog posts.
