Made Me Go.....HMMM?

Last Update: May 29, 2012
I just heard that Friday June 1st is National Donut Day. It was started by the Chicago Salvation Army in 1938 to honor women who gave out donuts to soldiers during WWI.
Dunkin Donuts is giving away a donut when you purchase a beverage on Friday
Lets, see, a donut (pure sugar and carbs) a beverage (other than water or coffee) again more sugar.
Now don't get me wrong, I love a good donut, fresh out of the oven and a good strong cup of coffee.
Unfortunately, donuts for me are like Lays potato chips, yea, I can't eat just one. In fact, I can put away a couple of dozen in one sitting and not even blink an eye. ( I don't do that though, but I could)
When I heard this story on my local news channel, (less than 20 minutes ago) my first though was.....
HMMM.... I wonder how America got so fat? Then, HMMM... I wonder if the weight loss niche is oversaturated?
Page 2. from same local news channel.
A recent Accenture survey found that 60% of Americans say they are unhappy at their job.
This in spite of the fact that more than 12 million Americans who are out of work that would love to have any one of those "unhappy jobs".
Lets, see, 60% unhappy at their job, 12 million+ out of work.
HMMM.... I wonder if I really have a shot at successfully promoting WA?

I think the markets are out there people and they are hungry for honest marketers who operate with ethics and integrity who go out of their way to make it blatantly obvious that someone cares enough to provide real solutions to real problems.

If your stuck for a Niche, stay alert, there everywhere, there everywhere.
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Sielke Premium
This is the truth. Niches are everywhere and honestly it starts from "everyday life" not the keyword tool. The keyword tool should just refine our plan of attack.
jpnetco Premium
Yes, Thank You, Sielke. Fundamentals and the basics always form the foundation, in whatever endeavor one is undertaking.
Franklin Premium
Donuts...that's all the excuse I need...ha
jpnetco Premium
Yep, hard to say no to a good ole fashioned donut.