Who Are You?

Last Update: July 24, 2012
The surest way to discover Who You Are
is to stop asking yourself "Who Am I?"
but instead to daily proclaim
I Am...............................
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Deezdz Premium
I Am.....loving, kind, courageous, persistent, compassionate, giving, abundant, successful and worthy.

What a great idea Johnney!
melissafitz Premium
Successful here in WA!!
jpnetco Premium
There you go. Nice one.
jatdebeaune Premium
I AM!!!
jpnetco Premium
YES!!! Thanks for the comment. I also like to add affirmations to mine everyday. I Am....strong, smart, funny, worthy, honest, somebody's friend, a friend that a friend would like to have, I AM Woman ( ok maybe not that cause I'm a guy) but you get the idea.
In all things Be Who You Are and have a great day.