Slowly I Turned, Step by Step

Last Update: June 24, 2012
That's a line from an old episode of The Three Stooges ( guess there all old now, as am I) in which Moe was hypnotized to say this phrase anytime he heard a certain word, (don't recall the word, but needless to say Larry and Curly said it often and thus began another hypnotic monologue by Moe.).

Recently, I finally began to use Facebook. Also, had my second SA article published. So I socialized the heck out of it on Facebook, Twitter, g+. SU, pinterest, joined TY's WSS group on Facebook and received some social love as well. I only bookmarked once in each, I didn't go on a social sending spree.

Amid reports in Live Chat of others hitting page one google in what seemed like mere minutes for some, after 3 days I was still hovering around page 6, was getting discouraged, what the heck are these guys doing that I am not, I wondered to myself.

Then I made a related post on my website, and put a link to the SA article with my main SA keyword as anchor text.
Day 5 - No. 10 on page 1 for main keyword for SA article. Blog post debuted on page 5.

I don't have all the in's and out's down pat, but I am learning how to progress. I'm reminded of the saying "Anything worth doing is worth doing right" and "All good things come to those who wait"

In other words, I'm learning that patience and persistence are key factors to any level of success.

And now anytime I see or hear of others progressing, what seems to be faster than I am, and it makes me ask myself, What do I have to do to get to where I want to go, I automatically think........

And with a smile I move forward.
Among other things, success is a process.

Stay the Course, ya'll
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Labman_1 Premium
I was going to tell you the secret phrase but apparently Steve let the cat out of the bag. Don't forget to share your article and posts on Reddit and Digg. They may only be social networks but they seem to have good weight for getting things moving and moving up in the rankings.
jpnetco Premium
I do those as well as Stumble, I seem to be getting most of my traffic from stumble upon at this time. Thanks for the comment.
stevedevane Premium
"Niagra Falls!" That was the phrase that set Moe off. Far and away one of my favorite Stooges episodes. Excellent advice. Every journey begins with a single step!
jpnetco Premium
Ahh, yes, that was it. Thanks for the comment Steve.
bigstevec Premium
"and i caught up with that dirty rat in..." also one of my favorites - some of the most talented comedians of all time
TC83 Premium
Congratulations on your progress!
jpnetco Premium
Thank You.
Amy Farr Premium
Awesome progress!
Congrats! And by the way, all 3 stooges died in the 1950's and 1970's...LOL!!! Don't know if you were referring to the episodes being old, or the stooges...?
jpnetco Premium
The episodes. Thanks for the comment, Amy
BIS Premium
Great advice. It cn be hard to be patient sometimes, but it will happen in the end.
jpnetco Premium
So true. Thanks for the comment coach.