Posts by Krys 11
Recently, one of my "friends" on Facebook spammed me with a post about an "amazing" money-making opportunity.Well, maybe one of the reasons I am a failure at Internet marketing is the fact that I hate the thought of sending advertising material to my Facebook friends. So when I got this junk mail, I decided to do some research.The mail deals with a supposed money-making opportunity, known as the Home Business System, being offered by a company called Endellion Inter Ltd.My research turned up som
April 01, 2011
That's what people say round where I live to express surprise, even if they don't otherwise speak Welsh. Literally, it means God, God, but it's pronounced joo-joo while Diw is actually pronounced dyou. Well, I'm surprised to see my member rank has gone up from 2400ish to 180 overnight.  Not that I know what member rank actually signifies LOL! Still pressing on well with the 30 Days club. I've managed to keep up, though it's been tough fitting it into a very hectic work schedule. Unfortuna
 The problem is, work gets in the way. I need to translate in order to feed and clothe myself and feed the cats. Over the past several days, I've been translating pretty well non-stop apart from some mini-breaks to eat and surf around little to clear my brain. Last night, I managed to fit in my WA 30-day club assignments 4-5 sometime around 5-7 am, before heading to bed. Then it's up at 10-11am and the whole carousel starts once more. I have loads of ideas for articles as well as for my ow
March 28, 2011
It's 5.25am and I'm still buzzing! Day 3 of the 30 Days has gone well and my web site is taking shape to my great amazement! Have even worked out a couple things in Wordpress all on my own. So far, I'm loving Wordpress. Also, got an email from Google that my first Adsense payout from 18 Hubpages articles has been sent out. OK, it's taken me 15 months to reach it, but I'm happy. I'm also only $0.49 away from my third $25 payout for 29 Helium articles written over the same period. Small amounts
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At last I feel I may get somewhere with WA. Having restarted in December, I became overwhelmed and bogged down again by what I was being asked to do in the Training Centre and the endless layers of information I was told to dig into. So I gave up again. Came back a few days ago for a last ditch attempt before my sub runs out, saw the 30 Days club advert and signed up.  I have just completed Day 2. I know it is very much the start, however, I now have an idea for a niche, a domain, and the
December 03, 2010
I've gone back to the start of the training, trying to pick up the threads again. New tasks have been added, so I'm trying to do them. I'm getting more confused by the minute. I read the Wordpress stuff in lesson 1 and don't understand a word. How to I tell Go Daddy I want WA hosting? The article gives no clue on how to do this. I also find that as I follow links to what I'm told to read within a lesson, they lead to more links and more links. Eventually, I find myself deep in something that ag
June 08, 2010
Logged in again for the first time since my previous post. I am overwhelmed by the kindness in the comments. Thank you so much for the understanding, positive thoughts, healing, gold you have sent me.   I had a bad setback today. I am not allowed to organise my partner's funeral in the way he would want it, because we didn't manage to get married before he died: the wedding was set for July 28. That right technically belongs to his adult daughters. They refused any contact  with
June 03, 2010
My partner died today because he would not stop drinking. Long ago already, I mourned the death of the man I loved and shed all my tears. Now, after 2.5 years of living hell, there are no tears. Fear of future, yes, very much so, but also a certain feeling of relief that he cannot humiliate me by being drunk in the street any more, nor threaten/hit me in the house.   
May 31, 2010
I'm at the keyword hunting stage of the training programme, and my head is spinning. Back in prehistoric times, 1986 to be exact, I did a postgraduate diploma course in library and information studies.Then, it was all about trying to harmonise keywords into standard ones used by everyone. We talked about terminologies and thesauri and the need to use terms from these in web page meta-tags. We learned to search using Boolean operators so as to ensure we had tight search parameters.  The lib
Am I dumb or am I dumb?????  I've suddenly realised that for the last six months I didn't even understand what article marketing is let alone how you do it.  I thought article marketing meant writing articles about all sorts of things and trying to earn money from them, as on Helium and HubPages, for example, i.e. marketing articles. Now the light bulb's come on and I finally realise that it means using articles to market one or a few specific products that I have selected.  No