Response to a spam post re Endellion Home Business System

Last Update: June 24, 2012
Recently, one of my "friends" on Facebook spammed me with a post about an "amazing" money-making opportunity.

Well, maybe one of the reasons I am a failure at Internet marketing is the fact that I hate the thought of sending advertising material to my Facebook friends. So when I got this junk mail, I decided to do some research.

The mail deals with a supposed money-making opportunity, known as the Home Business System, being offered by a company called Endellion Inter Ltd.

My research turned up some interesting facts. Since I want this information to be widely available to anyone searching on this company or its products, I have published it on my Blogger blog.

If you have received spam about this product, or are otherwise interested, read it here.
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Kalevi Premium
I've personally never been or even talked to somebody who has been a victim of one of these scams. Fortunately for me, my research about one of these scams has led me to WA some I'm very grateful I always do my research before getting into anything even remotely suspicious. I also agree with you Carson, allowing people 10 days to do as they wish around the website is an amazing and effective way to show people what's actually going on!
Carson Premium Plus
David_S Premium
Excellent post, you did quite a bit of research on this so called money making opportunity and one I would stay clear of with no doubt.