Article Marketing - Doh!

Last Update: May 29, 2010

Am I dumb or am I dumb?????

 I've suddenly realised that for the last six months I didn't even understand what article marketing is let alone how you do it. 

I thought article marketing meant writing articles about all sorts of things and trying to earn money from them, as on Helium and HubPages, for example, i.e. marketing articles.

Now the light bulb's come on and I finally realise that it means using articles to market one or a few specific products that I have selected. 

No wonder that whatever I read about it in the past didn't make much sense!

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Krys Premium
I'm the last person to ask!!! Why do you post your question on the forums? I'm sure some people will be able to give you some tips.
rustyer1 Premium
Hi, I must be real slow. I still don't get it. Can you enlighten me a bit. Been with WA for 4 mouths and still not making any sales
Krys Premium
Hmmm, Need to find what to sell, need to learn to make sites. I've just been writing articles about everything and anything so far!
DABK Premium
And now you can get visitors to your sites, and they can finally buy what they've been pining for all this time.
Took me a while too to get it.