Posts by Marvin 21
June 27, 2012
It has been nice, and now I must go. I have learned much.Send me a PM if you want to exchange contact info.
May 28, 2012
A while back I blogged about reporting some (a lot, actually) websites to Google for violation of DMCA. I got a positive response and everything was cleared up. Well, the truth is that it was really an exercise in futility - so I thought. See, my site had not earned me a dime since the Christmas shopping craze ended in January so I figured I would just move on. But I was so frustrated that my content had been stolen that I reported these sites anyway.So a couple of days ago I decided to check th
I decided I really needed to bite the bullet and get a whiteboard on (advice given from day 1 of my marketing adventure) for my marketing business. I was prepared to spend a little money, but not much. I figured I'd end up with a 2' wide or smaller board because I couldn't really afford more than $20. Well, I went to Costco today for some monthly shopping and decided to have a look see in their office section and they had this beauty sitting there waiting for me for exactly $20! It
April 11, 2012
Let me start out by saying HOORAY!! After reading a training ( here at WA (OEP) about how to deal with people stealing your prized content, I decided to act. Actually, I had already acted before. I contacted the owners of the infringing websites, and was met with a resounding silence. So I was keen to follow the advice in the training and report each and every one of the sites to Google. There were about 30 sites that had either word fo
April 04, 2012
A friend called me today wondering about my experience with WA. I had tried getting him to sign up during the $1 deal last year, but he wasn't biting even though he was unemployed. Well, now he has run out of options. I had a nice long chat with him about the ins and outs of WA and IM and was pretty sure he was going to sign up. I decided to log in and see if there was a sale going on right now. When I got to the and saw the "maintenance" screen I was a little unsure.
January 30, 2012
Here is a little success story for everyone. This is the total earnings to date for a site I launched in November, 2011.   I realize this isn't ground shattering or anything, but it means that all of my investment in my online business has been repaid more than double. 
December 26, 2011
A little fun for a holiday greeting. Watch & enjoy! 
I was doing some training on videos and came across Here is a video I made on the site to promote on of my website. It's very easy as all you really have to do is type in your copy. If you are a little more 'advanced' of a user then I suggest downloading the PC (mac?) application as you have much greater control and more options overall.  OOPS! Forgot the URL of where I did it. :P
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December 04, 2011
Well, that is how much the average US worker is getting paid, compared to what they were paid in 1965. I found this information a while back and decided to digest just a tidbit of it on my personal blog. Be sure and look at the table of info after checking out the little bit of info there. Read my post here
November 11, 2011
Update: Five left.  I'll make it short. I bought six awesome domain names in September when a hot new product was announced. I have since decided I don't have the resources to build the sites so I'm offering them up for someone else to take advantage of. If you act FAST you'll probably make some sweet money over the holidays sales frenzy months with these domains. Of the one site I have up and running, I have made a few sales and haven't even been trying to promote the site at all. I've onl
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