Six HOT Domain Names For Sale!

Last Update: November 18, 2011

Update: Five left. 

I'll make it short. I bought six awesome domain names in September when a hot new product was announced. I have since decided I don't have the resources to build the sites so I'm offering them up for someone else to take advantage of. If you act FAST you'll probably make some sweet money over the holidays sales frenzy months with these domains.

Of the one site I have up and running, I have made a few sales and haven't even been trying to promote the site at all. I've only written 4 or 5 articles, no backlinking and only 2 blog posts on the site. With a little effort this one (currently on page one of Google) could make you some money.

I want to sell these fast, and you would need to build them FAST to get the most out of them.

Send me a PM for the details if you are seriously interested in buying them.

IMPORTANT: Something isn't working correctly with the PM system through my blog so you must not use a link to send me a PM. Instead, go to the forum and "create new PM". then send to "marvin" (make sure to click 'add' after you input my name.

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mmorales Premium
What are the domains, I am interested. PM me. I have sent PM's to you but they are going to another member.