Awesome Coincidence

Last Update: April 04, 2012

A friend called me today wondering about my experience with WA. I had tried getting him to sign up during the $1 deal last year, but he wasn't biting even though he was unemployed. Well, now he has run out of options. I had a nice long chat with him about the ins and outs of WA and IM and was pretty sure he was going to sign up. I decided to log in and see if there was a sale going on right now.

When I got to the and saw the "maintenance" screen I was a little unsure. But then I saw the image of what the site was going to become behind the 'smoke screen' and knew immediately that it was going to be a big improvement.

And. It. Is.

I now have a much greater arsenal of incentive to offer my friend about WA. Here's to good timing!

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kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, it should be less about selling to your friend than it is showing him stuff. Show him your website you created because of WA. Show him some training that you are using or have created. Show him your interactions. Show him some research.

The best approach is not to sell, but to give them a "why". People like to buy, but they don't like to be sold on stuff...if that makes sense. Position it is at the best education to start an online business and not some ridiculous make money opportunity...
Marvin Premium
Yeah, I showed him 3 of my websites and told him how much I made on one of them. I think it is enough, now he just has to decide to pull the trigger. I want to link him to some of the public blog posts to whet his whistle. Any specific ones I should point him toward?
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, that is a lot easier than telling someone that has no idea about the Internet business world the awesome tools, training, etc...they would prefer to see how you have used it. This is a very subtle, but is the most effective way to generate referrals.