92.56% CTR With Multiple Product Review Landing Pages & 9.25% Conversion Rate. Here's Why

Last Update: July 18, 2010

Multiple Product Review Landing Pages Still Working, Here's why?

Some of my biggest profit pulling campaigns come from landing pages where I review 3 or more products.

I'm talking about reviewing more than one similar but different product on the same page.

These puppies have been pulling well for me for years.

Here's why.

People like to shop and compare.

People like options. It's in people nature to compare one thing to another and look for the best value. You're assisting visitors like a store clerk at best buy would assist a customer comparing between digital cameras when you review more than one product on your site

You also come across as being an expert in your niche because you have knowledge of many products in that niche.

Higher Clickthru To Merchant.

More links can mean higher clickthru rates to your merchant's websites. People are shopping. Remember when I said people like to compare things.

Higher CTR means more exposure.
More exposure = More chances to make a sale.

Your review page is your kiosk. People read your reviews then check out your recommendations for themselves. They return to your page and check out their other options.

I have landing pages with over 90% clickthru rate to merchant pages. This means that out of 100 hits to my landing page I generated 90 clicks to my affiliate links. More clicks on your links is more chances to sell.

Ability to target more keywords:

Product keywords make money. When you have more than one product review on your landing page, you can optimize your landing page in such a way that it pulls search engine traffic from all the product name keywords mentioned.

In many occasions visitor searching for product C end up purchasing product A. If I would have sent them to a website that only talked about product c, there is a change they would have went back to the search engine to learn about product A and I would have missed out on this sale.

Targeting other product name keywords in your niche is another great way to get buying traffic. A niche I work has about 50 other products but my website only gives detailed reviews for best 3. I have articles out there on the internet for about 12 or so other products I don't actively promote that brings in traffic.

Do I get conversions off this traffic?  You bet.

Product Name Keyword Examples Plus Modifiers

Product Name
product name + Review
Product Name + Ratings
Product Name + Comparisons
Product name + Features
Product name + Benefits
Product Name + Scam < I personally don't use this one anymore >
Reviews of Product Name
Buy Product Name
Product Name + Sale
Product Name + Discount
Product Name + Coupons
Product Name + Cost
Product Name + Free Shipping

Build a bigger site with more content.

When you focus on a few products you will be able to build a bigger more content based site. There is only so much content you can write about 1 product so most single product specific websites are thin. Reviewing more products will allow you to create a more dense website, plus you can promote niche level keywords that will flow with you websites.


I posted some stats in WA last week of a campaign utilizing multiple product reviews layout.

Past 7 days 293 unique visitors

Merchant Link Clicks 269 ------ :92.56% CTR shock:

Sales = 27 AVG commission $24 -- 9.25% Conversion Rate

EPC (Earnings Per Click To My Landing Page) $2.21

This is front end conversions. Not even counting my list traffic. 5% conversions or more on the front end can be huge depending on your niche and commission.


How to build a Multiple Product Review Site.

First off I would register a niche level keyword domain name. Example DogTrainingEbookReviews.com

Research and find the best products in your niche. Find 3 to 5 Products. Review and Rate Each product according to your personal opinion or popularity. Be unbiased and objective but make sure to review in favor of your lead product. Your lead product is the one you rank #1.

The first thing that goes on my landing page is a description of the page. A paragraph or 2 about the page, niche, products reviews, why your providing this service, etc. On the right of this header text you may want to have an opt-in box if email marketing is apart of your strategy.

Next I provide short reviews of each product on my main landing page with about 2 links to the merchants page per product review.

I usually put 1 at the top of the short review and another at the bottom. Under this link I have another link that says  "Click Here For Full Review" that links to a page with more content about that particular products.

Finally end with your conclusion. Talk about your lead product as being the solution to their problem. You may want to put another opt-in form at the bottom as a last chance effort to collect subscribers into your list if email marketing is apart of your marketing strategy..

This is the basic layout of a multiple product review landing page.

Promotional Tips And Some Basic SEO Tips

Next step start sending your traffic and building backlinks. You will also want to put a blog on your site @ www.yoursite.com/blog to blog your niche articles. On your blog you will want links back to your landing page and an opt-in form if email marketing is apart of your marketing strategy.

Write about 10 unique niche articles and post them to your blog. Write down the hyperlinks to each of these blog post.

On your main landing page... either on your side bar or at the bottom of the page link to each one of these blog post. You will also want to have a link to your blog someone on your main landing page.

Promote your landing page and your blog with your articles, so each time you write an article you're building 2 backlinks to yoursite. One to you landing page, another to your blog.

Write a press release:

Announce your review website and blog. Used a paid press release service and say goodbye to worrying about getting your site indexed and ranked. Your site will be index and ranked a few hours after your press release goes live.

Press releases are the best rapid indexing technique I know and I'll go as far as saying it works 100% of the time when used right. Paying for a quality release goes a lot further then sticking with some free pr services. In many cases free pr services are more like article directories and won't have such an impact.

PR releases will give your site an initial traffic boost and high quality backlinks to get your SEO efforts started.

As you start building up backlinks to your landing page and blog your site will continue to rise in rankings...

But what usually happens first is you'll notices your niche articles ranking high before your main target keyword.

You may not rank high at first for "Dog Training Ebooks" but an article about "How To Train Your Dog To Stop Barking" will rank high right way. Keep writing content to your blog to build a content rich website.

Remember how I told you that you can target other similar products keywords to generate traffic and sales.
Once your blog get some ranking power start writing short reviews for other similar products and post them to you blog. What I usually do is write more of a product descriptions post of these similar product, and I will post in this format below.

Hyperlink: Click Here To Read Reviews Of The Best Dog Training Products"
Content: Product Description or short review with affiliate links to this product
Hyperlink: Click Here To Read Reviews Of The Best Dog Training Products"

Continue to write articles or directories. Use social media sites like squidoo to build backlinks and bookmark your pages. One major benefit to having your own blog that is updated regularly is being able to rapid index your web 2.0 these pages right away. Sprinkle your blog post with anchored text links to your web 2.0 properties.

One thing I will mention is it is usually hard to find landing pages that match wordpress themes. Landing Page Classroom has some great static landing pages that match up to wordpress themes. Click Here


Take care & Be Profitable

Matt Martin
Copyright 2010 QuickHitMarketingMethod.com

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Malablues Premium
This place never ceases to amaze me. What an ingenious marketing strategy. Thanks Matt!
jsides Premium
Matt, Super Stuff man.
AdamAdam Premium
Hi Matt,
Thanks that is a great advice just what I've been looking for lately.
NEA03 Premium
Great info. Thanks!