Key To My Success With Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: July 12, 2010


Life Is Good. Real Good

I'm approaching my forth year here at WA in six more months. I finally decided to upload a picture to put a face to my name. The best thing about working from home is having all your friend wonder what the heck you're doing.

They say things like...

You don't work and have all this free time...?

Your completely loaded, Did you win the lotto...?

What the heck are you doing? Is it legal....?

It's fun to keep them guessing but more often then not I tell them I'm an affiliate marketer, google it then back to me. It's funny most people don't ever get back to me. They are to busy with their daily lives, think its a scam or say they don't have time.

But if they only knew what I know now... that you can make more than a full time living and get there in as little as 2 years. I'm sure they would jump right in head first

I'm going to speak about a few things that helped me make this this far.

#1 Consistent Action.

Making sure your getting the most use of your time. Every time you get on the computer to do some work, make sure you get something accomplished and take note of what doing..

What separates affiliates not making money from the pros is an ability to take notice of what they are doing and gauge rather or not its working for them. If what your doing isn't bringing in results you want, you must change your approach until you finally nail it. When you finally nail it do more of the same.

#2 Narrow Focus.

My main producing niche is still the same niche I had my first consistent success with in the summer of 2007 and I continues to work it.

Many people move from niche to niche only to be satisfied with just a handful of sales before moving to the next. I use to be the same way. Get comfortable after making a few consistent sales, then on to the next.

I happened to read a forum post by Travis about getting focus and working what's already working for you and roll it out all over the internet. I stick to about 3 solid niches.

#3 Have Strong Believe This Will Work.

Lose any skepticism you have and truly believe in this process. You have to see it here (Points to head) to have it here ( Extends hand outward)

#4 Set Benchmark Goals

Setting benchmark goals and accomplishing them is another way to stay motivated. Many people set initial goals that deep down inside are unbelievable to them. Start small and go big. My first goal was only to make just 1 sale. And I got busy and made it happen.

My next goal first $50 day

Next First $100 day

Next First $200 day

Next First $300 day.

By the time I accomplished the last goal mentioned above I had enough confidence to up my next goal to $1000 or more in a day, I have accomplished this twice and let me tell you same amazing feeling every time...

Read My $1000 plus day success Thread


I used this success to accomplish another benchmark goal of creating and launching my own product. I wrote a case study report on this particular campaign and its selling like hot cakes.

Read My First Product Launch Success Thread


The point is progression. Set small goals and build off each success to accomplish the next.

Success will happen for anyone willing to do what it takes and chase after it. 


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Brownie54 Premium
Hi Matthew
I really enjoyed your post. One thing that I really liked is when you basically said about not promoting products that teach you how to make money until you actually know how to make money and have. This has really been a bone of contention for me because a lot of people do push that and ethically I don't think it is right.
Your post has given me more motivation and inspiration.
Thanks and have some gold
jatdebeaune Premium
What an intelligent and inspiring post. Thank you. Congratulations to you. You have enlightened me and I'm sure many others.
Kathy389 Premium
Matthew congratulations on your success, and I wish you many more years of confusing your friends. Kathy
moonvine Premium
Great advice! and congratulations on your success! My goal right now is at $50 a day. And yes, mine are set very similar to yours. Here's to reaching them all as you did!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers to you for all your hard work and success!