Need Help! Affiliates Needed

Last Update: July 28, 2010


Hello Wealthy Affiliates

It's 10:00 mid morning. I just got back from Tim Horton with a double double and 2 chocolate glazed donuts, my personal favorite.

I pretty sure I could live off chocolate glazed donuts.

That's my snack...The one that really gets me. Everyone has one but one thing I've learned fast about working from home, is it's very easy to stack on a few extra pounds fast.

Beware. Having a refrigerator where you work is just a little to convenient. Those extra pounds will sneak right up on you and before you know it your spouse is saying what happened. :-/


It's time to get into work mode. I'll start by tackling my first agenda of the day.

I'm in need of your help.


Affiliate Marketers of course but specify those in the Internet Marketing Niche.

I recently launched my first internet marketing product. It's called Quick Hit Marketing Method. For those of you who don't know....

It is a detailed case study report and marketing guide of one of my highly successful marketing campaigns. A few people from wa have purchased this from my signature link and feed back has been positive. A+

Well Phase 2 of my project is approaching. The Affiliate Element.

I'm looking for Professional Wealthy Affiliates In The Internet Marketing Niche that would like to partner up to make some quick cash from their list traffic and provide a quality product at the same time.

I've been selling my guide for about a month and half. I started off promoting it the traditional way mailing to my list then re-launched 2 weeks later as a WSO. I will sell 25 more copies this week before rolling out my affiliate program.

Positive feed back has been high and my sales letter has been converting strongly.

My guide will be relaunched @ $67 with an optional promo coupon ($20 discount) and I'm offering 60% commission on all sales generated.

Why would you want to promote my product over other IM products.

Firstly case study reports are a easy sell to internet marketing list traffic. People want to see real life case studies based on real marketing effort. Most guide are based on ideas or marketing concepts that teach you want to do but without actually showing you.

I show my customers what they really want to see, which is a successful marketing campaign...

built from the ground up and get into very specific detail of every aspect that made it so successful.

Secondly, my guide tackles that one issue new marketers face. Getting traffic. I show my customers easy ways to get traffic targeting keywords not to many people would consider or even be able to find for that matter and how to monetize this traffic using unique and different ways.

My keyword selection methods help me find keywords that produce thousands of hits in a day with low competition and in many cases you won't find them with your keyword tools. I teach buyers of my guide how to do the same thing.

My affiliate program will be invite only more JV style approach.

What I'm looking for

1. Professional Affiliate Marketers Successful Promoting Internet Marketing Niche

2. Who have email list of at least 500 subscribers

3. That cool cool down to earth people that are easy to work with

The affiliate program will go live before mid august and last for about 2 months before I take the product down.

Seriously taken down no gimmick. Life of my product will be short lived but an opportunity to make a quick hit with profits exist.

I'm getting some professional graphics, tweaking and cleaning up the sales letter and creating bonus before I roll out the affiliate program.

Accepted affiliates will get VIP Treatment. Custom Coupon Codes. Personal Landing Pages if necessary with as well as help with their promo email letters.

Click Here To Read Positive Feed Back Of My Product

Sales Page

If you are interested Contact me at

Thank you

 Matthew Martin


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magistudio Premium Plus
Hey Matthew - send me a PM and I'll give you my toll free so we can talk.